38-99. 2 This bot seems pretty rough at the moment. 2 / 5,Shop Seller 1. 15 comments Add a Comment DahnaeRS • 10 mo. RuneMate - Free Old School 07 Bot Client | 4332 members - Established: April 2013 - Active Members: 1000+ - Active VIP Members: 250+ - Estimated Monthly Revenue: $5000+ - Estimated Concurrent Bots: 5000+ - Target Audience: Casual Botters RuneMate If you seek for the alternative, the RuneMate. Crazy slow, doesn't path right, hilarious "anti-ban" for people who think randomly clicking on stuff will somehow trick their bot banning system. Works perfectly otherwise! This is one of the best scripts I've ever seen. Actual bot does what it's supposed to do though! Jun 14, 2023 Author's Response Happy to add craft cape for you, would just need to borrow your account :/ 7 20 20 comments Best Add a Comment synthe-alias • 2 yr. Sponsored Ad ?. 0. Program the software for automated execution of boring monotonous actions, and join the process yourself at the most interesting place. Easy way to train your hosidious!Version: 1. 4. Jads Challenge Mate (PAID) 6 Jads, 0 Worries. Yesterday at 7:40 PM Author's Response Looking into this tomorrow. Big Blast Furnace. In the future please feel free to message me or post on the thread rather than leaving low reviews for short lived bugs, especially on update mornings. Author: AlphaADC Jun 27, 2023 Jul 8, 2023 Bots Reviews (1) Version History Discussion Hypo222 Version: 1. So far no bans. I have video proof of everything. This was intended to be a. BIGGEST SUGGESTION is if you have low prayer, change the potion number to 4 and paddlefish to 23. UPDATED REVIEW. Sdot Version: 2. Would also love if it didn't freeze the client. RuneMate 2. 0. I don't have any experience in that. If possible, could you preferably mention me in the runemate discord, so you can test it as soon as I fix it. 4 works fine when run is off but keeps turning run on then gets all out of sync and breaks. Prime Zulrah supports traversing to Zul-andra using either Ardougne cloak, fairy ring and stepping stone, or Zul-andra teleports. 5. 9 works great but says you get 2 hours free and it's only 1 Monday at 11:34 PM For Efficient 3 Tick Miner in Bots Kendal 2/5, Version: 1. gets very confused in the later waves and the setting to change when you eat doesnt work at least for brews. left bot on somedays for 12-18+ hrs, never had any problems. This bot is so good I often forget it's even running. I've tried different foods: Sharks, wines, tuna, etc. Can't get it to work, settings window doesn' open, can't join the discord for it. Ignore Molleren review, the bot work, the Runemate is having some problem trying to start any instance. 107. ago TBH, it'd be pretty dumb to put malware in a launcher, because the first thing people do when they download them is scan it with AV. May 7, 2023. Runemate Bots. Home Resources > Bots > RuneMate 2. high alch. Mar 23, 2022. 1. Great work, with some funding you can make a real profit for yourself using this bot. Dropping a 5 star review here to offset the unjustified complaints from leechers. got 99 crafting today, flawless no problems what so ever. Works absolutely great. Adding direct input banking (1 tick) would make this bot perfect! Jun 27, 2023. Mar 8, 2018. botted free tutorial island and fishing/woodcutting scripts. Discussion. Oct 4, 2020. Version: 1. 1 Works well! Would love the crafting cape tele method. Pretty good for free though. 1. Currently, this bot may sometimes teleport away after 1st kill. 46. 3. Make sure to put in your bank pin before starting. CuppaJavaRS • 2 yr. Kush Quester 3. Also supports powermining anywhere. Actual bot does what it's supposed to do though! Jun 14, 2023 Author's Response Happy to add craft cape for you, would just need to borrow your account :/ Reviews (1) Version History Discussion dokai19 Version: 1. Great bot during Graardor fight, but this bot is currently very inconsistent. Newer Than: Search this category only. How to Use Spectre. 4 Eating and resuming whichever task the bot was working on, takes another ten seconds which is also detrimental to the chance of completion and earning a crate. But if that doesn't work you can also try clearing your game cache by: 1) Closing OSRS/Runemate 2) Clear your OSRS game cache 3) Open OSRS & Runemate back up On windows, the OSRS cache can be found by. Works Great, only thing I want is an option for keeping the valuable fruit halves and banking them when you fill an entire inventory of them, or maybe half, whatever is most efficient. Also tried different PCs and clearing the game cache. I don't have any experience in that. > Crashes when setting break. Working on my 4th account getting 99 with this bot. Works okay getting to jad but fails after, very buggy. Works fine but it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts 15 comments Add a Comment DahnaeRS • 10 mo. 11 I ran this bot for a couple of minutes and the key activities (cleaning and mixing) were working just great. Easiest thing to setup, let it run overnight and it was still going by the morning with no issues and 2. Withdraws the specified amount of food then stalls. Version: 1. Left it running for multiple 18+ hour sessions now with no hiccups. personally i wouldnt suggest bothering with this due to the limited functionality, i have some doubts about the herb cleaning considering the new. 1. 99. Not a single issue occurred and I ran it for around 12~ hours over the course of 3 days. Actual bot does what it's supposed to do though!Phosani Mate Trial. Author: AlphaADC Jun 27, 2023 Jul 8, 2023 Bots Reviews (1) Version History Discussion Hypo222 Version: 1. 2. 5. 0. he's not a smart individual. 5Version: 2. Would also love if it didn't freeze the client. The bot works but I specifically selected it to not take breaks and then it logged out and kept charging me for hours. But suddenly when I added a new monster it started flicking slowly and misses the timings a lot. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an. I like the community of osbot if you join their discord they show progress reports for user and scrips. 5 Needs update, keep useing the digsite pendant to it runs out. I've been alternating skilling accounts to where I bot nearly 24/7 for the past few days, and everything is going great. 3. Also, seems to have trouble using NPC contact spell. 1 otherwise really good, but some problem with looting. Yesterday at 7:40 PM Author's Response Looking into this tomorrow. 1 Works well! Would love the crafting cape tele method. 7. 0. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Newer Than: Search this category only. Trying to make free scripts. This is a really minor nitpick though, and I really don't think it justifies a 3 star review lol. Client & Site Support. DaniAgiTime Version: 0. Dan 1. 0% ban rate due to low amount of clicks/actions. 1 this bot is amazing I have only died once out of 48 kc the bot dose not miss. Dan 1. One of a kind one would say. Have not got to use the bot yet. Yesterday at 7:40 PM Author's Response Looking into this tomorrow. Sep 29, 2022. Got the planks via Maxi Planks (at woodcutting guild). Hexis Altar 2. Yesterday at 7:40 PM Author's Response Looking into this tomorrow. Download and go. Our botting client is unique. Client & Site Support. 0 Is it possible to delay the time of clicking on a fish spot. 0. Yesterday at 7:40 PM Author's Response Looking into this tomorrow. And at . WJB Version: 2. Tested using stamina potions, got 480k xp/hour. it has a issue where it spam clicks spots even the door to the wintertodt, also has issue sometimes where it takes a while after getting damaged to swap to inventory to start refletching. Molleren. Often issues like this can be fixed by restarting both OSRS & Runemate and trying again, especially after game updates. 0. 0. 50 and it messed up a bunch of times (i had to manually fix or manually progress it to fix it) but the quests are done so im not too upset. Newer fish and more locations will be added as requested. Version: 0. If possible, could you preferably mention me in the runemate discord, so you can test it as soon as I fix it. JeffreyMEl Version: 2. Luis Miguel. I would suggest to take good breaks from now and then. Been running it for about 5 hours plus. 0. Newer Than: Search this category only. runemate. Get Help. And will look into the progress log thing as well. good idea needs some work. I know that Powerbot has changed and began to focus on Mobile botting. Rorshaxx95 Version: 2. 1. Yesterday at 7:40 PM Author's Response Looking into this tomorrow. Then been using this for another 15m xp thieving elves and vyres. 0. I have made a great profit and 2 accounts 90+ Fletching. Download and go. 7 works as intended. RCNDLR Version: 2. Announcement. Author's Response <3. ago I dont play on creating my own scripts. 1. VisualRM has to be one of (if not the most) impressive bots on Runemate :) Nov 11, 2020. RuneMate 2. Only thing that is weird is that sometimes it will be like 2 minutes into a gauntlet run and will just randomly exit, its only happed twice but other than that 10/10 for this bot worth the 12 cents an hour!Thatdudebarrillo Version: 1. 05 The bot is awesome just like the name, theres a few bugs but it mostly works really well. 5 Needs update, keep useing the digsite pendant to it runs out. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. dice and ice Version: 1. ran into some issues at the start of the canifis course, once getting stuck in a store and once dying to a werewolf. 1 / 5, Version: 1. Maxrep Version: 1. 97 Works great! Nov 10, 2020. 0 Spectre. Bad in every way. Version: 1. 0 10/10 simple bot, recomended for leveling. 2. No issues what so ever. 0. Multiple methods of traversal. 5 very human like used it wisely didn't get ban thankfully the most thing I like is that I can still move chat to make it more humanlike every 1 hour or so, and it won't interfere the bot will resume no matter what action you do, very smart bot. 0. 5 /. 0. 5. Actual bot does what it's supposed to do though! Jun 14, 2023 Author's Response Happy to add craft cape for you, would just need to borrow your account :/ Reviews (1) Version History Discussion dokai19 Version: 1. , @18) so that the bot only needs to left click the seaweed 3 times then the sand once. works great does what it should do. Home Resources > Bots > RuneMate 2. 5 Needs update, keep useing the digsite pendant to it runs out. 4. Actual bot does what it's supposed to do though! Jun 14, 2023 Author's Response Happy to add craft cape for you, would just need to borrow your account :/ Reviews (1) Version History Discussion dokai19 Version: 1. Mar 15, 2021. I would recommend If I may say: Dreambot, OSbot. Should look at add breaks but other than that, bot works great. 5. Broken as heck, it does fine fighting the boss but doesn't pick up loot 20% of the time, and can't even bank, doesn't pull out rune pouch or poh tablets/runes for poh teleport, so it just stands there spamming poh teleport when it can't use it. 1. Thanks for the review though, feel free to report or suggest any other bugs. i gained about 25k xp per hour and about 250k gp per hour. Now I have just used it again on a 3 year old clean account with no other botting history, and received a 2 day ban after 20 minutes of use.