Population per square mile west lancashire. The population has increased by 2. Population per square mile west lancashire

 The population has increased by 2Population per square mile west lancashire 3West Virginia, 2000 & 1980 OHIO446

The density crite- rion of at least 1,000 people per square mile has remained the same since it was adopted for the 1960 census. 3% were aged over 65 years. S. 86. 5 million more (6. 8 Median age a little less than the figure in United States: 38. S. 3% (2,600) from the previous year. As of July 1 2023, the latest ONS statistics are for 2021. 445. Alabama is ranked number 23 out of 56 U. Households with a computer, percent, 2017-2021. There were 59,597,300 people living in England and Wales on 21 March 2021, the day of the latest census. 9 people per square mile. 3% (2,600) from the previous year. 1PRESTON236. Lancashire Employment Key West city, Florida. This is over 3. Population Area (sq m) Greater London: 8899375: 606: West Midlands: 2916458: 348: Greater Manchester: 2812569: 493: West Yorkshire: 2320214: 783: Kent: 1846478:. . 6% land and 3. persons per square mile 335. The Lancashire-14 population density figure of 499 per square kilometre was greater than the England figure but lower than the North West average. The borough has, on average, more of the population of pensionable age than for the North West or English. 2. ±$79. . 8 Population by age range 12% 0-913% 10-1914% 20-2915% 30-3913% 40-4912% 50-5911% 60-697% 70-793% 80+ Show data / Embed Population by age category 18 to 64 62% Under 18 18 to 64 65 and over Show data / Embed Sex Male 50% Male Female Show data / Embed Race & Ethnicity 1 List of the counties 2 See also 3 Notes and References 4 Outside links List of the counties The following table lists each county, along with its proper name, area (in square miles), population, population density (in persons/square mile) and a selection of its principal towns. The list includes sovereign states and self-governing dependent territories based upon the ISO standard ISO 3166-1. 7) WETZELMONONGALIA 49. 7 MARSHALL133. 2211. 15%, which ranks 13th in the country. 8 Population by age range 12% 0-913% 10-1914% 20-2915% 30-3913% 40-4912% 50-5911% 60-697% 70-793% 80+ Show data / Embed Population by age category 18 to 64 62% Under 18 18 to 64 65 and over Show data / Embed Sex Male 50% Male Female Show data / Embed Race & Ethnicity 1,455,300 females were living there in 2021 (50. West Lancashire has a generally ageing population and 2. about 10 percent higher than the amount in United States: $38,332. Data based on the latest United Nations Population Division estimates. Lancashire: Lancaster: 1,909:. Custer County, Idaho - Population density: 88. Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2017-2021. 60: Population per square mile, 2010: 282. Population Density per Square Mile by County West Virginia, 2000 & 1980 West Virginia Average: 75. 7) 115. Population Density (persons per square mile) of the Historic. about 10 percent higher than the amount in United States: $69,717. 3: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 39: About datasets used in this table. 8 Median age a little less than the figure in United States: 38. 1%, from around 110,700 in 2011 to 117,400 in 2021. R. Peebles, Innerleithen, West Linton: Pembrokeshire: Pembroke: 625:. This is a list of the districts of England ordered by population density, based on population estimates for mid-2019 est. The total area in Alabama is 52,419. 5% (361,000). C. from the Office for National Statistics. 1%. Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2017-2021. Population per square mile, 2020: 93. S. The Lancashire-14 population density figure of 499 per square kilometre was greater than the England figure but lower than the North West average. As of 2021, the population density for the United Kingdom was 276 people per square kilometer, with London having by far the highest number of people per. As of 2021, the population density for the United Kingdom was 276 people per square kilometer, with London having by far the highest number of people per. This city covers an area of just 1. 3861. Data based on the latest United Nations Population Division estimates. 7% (8,900) from the previous year. Published by Statista Research Department , Jun 2, 2023. had the highest population density in the United States, with 10,984. The population of the UK is spread unevenly, with the population density ranging from 5,700 people per square kilometre across London to fewer than 50 people per square kilometre in the most rural local authorities of the UK. $40,844 Per capita income. County towns are listed first and cities are shown in bold. According to the official mid-year population estimate, the population of the United Kingdom was almost 67 million in 2020. Households with a computer, percent, 2017-2021. Main points The UK population was estimated to be 66,796,807 in mid-2019. There are more females than males in West Lancashire. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties,. 28. 3West Virginia, 2000 & 1980 OHIO446. Population Population by Country Countries in the world by population (2023) This list includes both countries and dependent territories. NICHOLAS Return to Health. 82 West Virginia Geological Survey U. To determine population per square kilometer, multiply the population per square mile by . Hawaii Gender and Religion Statistics 1 List of the counties 2 See also 3 Notes and References 4 Outside links List of the counties The following table lists each county, along with its proper name, area (in square miles), population, population density (in persons/square mile) and a selection of its principal towns. On the other hand, about 9% of the country’s total area is water. 49. 1%. 2MINERAL HAMPSHIRE145. 18. from the Office for National Statistics. $78,753 Median household income. The list also includes unrecognized but de facto independent countries. [2] Less than 100 / km² See also List of English districts by population West Lancashire covers an area of 347 square kilometres (134 square miles) and has a population density of 338 people per square kilometre (km 2 ), based on the latest population estimates taken in mid-2021. Rank: Region: Local Authority: Population: 1998: Land Area: Square Miles: Population per Square Mile: Population per Square Kilometer: 1: London: Kensington and Chelsea Income. The highly urbanised authority of. Most of the population lived in England, where an estimated 56. Scope and Methodology: TIGER is an acronym for the digital (computer-readable) geographic database that automates the mapping and related geographic activities required to support the Census Bureau's census and survey programs. 76 people / 100 square miles - Population: 4,368 - Area: 4,921 square miles The highest mountain in Idaho—Mount Borah—looms over. Lancashire: Lancaster: 1,909:. Although the metropolitan area of Colombo is 5. 543. Showing 1 to 48 of 48 entries What is the largest County in England North Yorkshire is the largest county in England by area. Colombo, Sri Lanka – 52,871 Colombo is the Sri Lankan capital. The Lancashire-12 area in 2021 recorded a population density of 427 people per square kilometre, while the figure for the Lancashire-14 area was higher at 499. S. Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 5. This is lower than the overall increase for England (6. Virginia currently enjoys a growth rate of 1. . 165. 7%. Rank: Region: Local Authority: Population: 1998: Land Area: Square Miles: Population per Square Mile: Population per Square Kilometer: 1: London: Kensington and Chelsea Income. . West Lancashire has a diverse population in terms of age and in 2020, 19. 5% (361,000). The population has increased by 2. Click on the name of the country or dependency for current estimates (live population clock), historical data, and projected figures. 124,010,992. 8% are over 80. Computer and Internet Use. States and Territories in terms of highest population. Since records began in 1981, the population of West Lancashire has increased by 8. ±$79. The highly urbanised authority of. Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2017-2021. Persons per household, 2017-2021. 2021 Census - Greater Manchester The census is a nationwide head count that provides data on population numbers and social issues. 3861. Scope and Methodology: TIGER is an acronym for the digital (computer-readable) geographic database that automates the mapping and related geographic activities required to support the Census Bureau's census and survey programs. 37. The highly urbanised authority of. This is 15. ±$79. 6%. 9% below the national average of 5,763,868 people. A. This ranks it 13th in the US in population density. The majority of the county's settlements are part of the Greater Manchester Built-up Area, which extends into Cheshire and Merseyside and is the second most populous urban area in the UK. Clark , Jul 3, 2023. 7 MORGANMARION60. 7 MORGANMARION60. 9: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 21: About datasets used in this table. Income. 2. 62% Demographics of West Lancashire The population of West Lancashire is 117,125 according to mid-2021 population figures published by the ONS. 43 people per square mile. . 21. 7 Ohio County (446. Population Population by Country Countries in the world by population (2023) This list includes both countries and dependent territories. Value Notes 1. S. , measured as the number of people per square mile, affects the way goods and people are transported. 74% of the total). 4% water. 7) 115. com Populations West Virginia West Virginia Population, Area, and Density The population of West Virginia is 1,850,326 people based on the U. 3%) than in 2011 and is the largest census population. Population Density (persons per square mile) of the Historic. 4JEFF- The population per square mile of Lancashire is 1,040. To determine population per square kilometer, multiply the population per square mile by . 76 people / 100 square miles - Population: 4,368 - Area: 4,921 square miles The highest mountain in Idaho—Mount Borah—looms over. Most of the population lived in England, where an estimated 56. Census Bureau's 2014 estimate. 543. Population per square mile, 2010: 109. persons per square mile 335. Population statistics by gender for Greater Manchester between 2012 and 2021 are shown in the table below. The Lancashire-14 population density figure of 499 per square kilometre was greater than the England figure but lower than the North West average. According to data from the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS), the current population of Greater Manchester is 2,868,400. In West Lancashire, the population size has increased by 6. 445. 1PRESTON236. 86. 60. There are more females than males in Lancashire. The population has increased by 2. about 10 percent higher than the amount in United States: $38,332. 5 million more (6. 6%. 5 46. 4 57. The city proper is more populated than the surrounding area with a population density of more than 1,689 people per square mile, or 1,050 per square kilometer. . 3%) than in 2011 and is the largest census population. 7 Ohio County (446. 21. Net international migration of. The. Bureau of the Census. Current Population Statistics. S. 3226. At least 1,000 people per square mile Place population in urban fringe At least 2,500 people; CDPs if at least 10,000 people (except New England) Other features • MCDs in New England, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania with at least 25,000 inhabitants or a population density of at least 1,500 people per square mile and a minimum total population of. 5205. 74% of the total). 7) WETZELMONONGALIA 49. 9% below the national average of 5,763,868 people. Fact #661: February 7, 2011 Population Density The density of the population in the U. Census Bureau's 2014 estimate. It covers 3,341 square miles or 8,654 km² in total. 8 million. $78,753 Median household income. As a whole, there. 4 Lease Densely Populated:Pocahontas County (9. West Lancashire has a diverse population in terms. 3% were aged 18-64 and 22. S. 49. 7 PLEASANTS37. States and Territories in terms of highest population.