Phil rockstroh. The reality of and the outward toll inflicted by greenhouse-gas engendered Climate Change is clearly evident (to all but the corrupt and devoutly ignorant) e. Phil rockstroh

 The reality of and the outward toll inflicted by greenhouse-gas engendered Climate Change is clearly evident (to all but the corrupt and devoutly ignorant) ePhil rockstroh  corporate/militarist empire and the concomitant collapse of the global, neoliberal <a href=[email protected] Rockstroh: Kenn, recently, this observation of mine provoked ire: street demonstrations, even large ones, are apropos of nothing as long as they are manifested as de facto state sanctioned" style="filter: hue-rotate(-230deg) brightness(1.05) contrast(1.05);" />

But like Reagan, he knows exactly what he is saying and why. is less of a nation than a collective. The company is headquartered in the United States. com. Our tools, weapons, machines, and appliances are crucial to forging the cultural criteria of human life. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. As Martin Luther King’s birthday is celebrated with a national holiday, his death day disappears down the memory hole. "By Phil Rockstroh 11-18-6 "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. " -- Pat Robertson === "Muslims want to rule the world. ” Wherein: The individual exists in a. She also creates satirical graphics for Phil Rockstroh and has recently worked with Flickerlab on the opening animation of the new Michael Moore. By Phil Rockstroh. 30, 1945 in Fort Wayne. Mehlman is gone. From his lofty perch in New York City, the “poet” and “philosopher bard” Phil Rockstroh has written an attack on the White working class of Alabama, whose rage he claims is misdirected by the paranoid perception that their sense of identity is under attack. Angela Tyler-Rockstroh is a Broadcast Designer/Animator working with major Networks such as Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, HBO Family, PBS, etc. The level and quality of analysis on contemporary American life and. water food. From his lofty perch in New York City, the “poet” and “philosopher bard” Phil Rockstroh has written an attack on the White working class of Alabama, whose rage he. From about the late 1970s to the. S. by Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad September 2, 2020 Glaring sign of intellectual dishonesty of a society that has sunken into a psychical pit of fascist depravity: Terming an armed, racist terrorist, intent on murder, a “vigilante. The technologies that inflicted upon the world the ongoing tragedies in both the Gulf of Mexico and Japan serve a dangerous addiction. S. OpEdNews Op Eds 11/15/2011 at 6:26 PM EST H2'ed 11/15/11 The Police State Makes Its Move: Retaining one's humanity in the face of tyrannyby Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad December 11, 2017 Humankind, being an inherently tool-making species, has always been in a relationship with technology. Become a Fan (51 fans). Article Tools E-mail | Print Comments (2) FB comments () Tweet. Our tools, weapons, machines, and appliances are crucial to forging the cultural criteria of human life. commodified things that were once living beings. Music. A couple of decades ago, upon returning to Atlanta, Georgia, after spending a year abroad, I would frequent an independent bookshop that contained a small coffee shop/cafe. Of Grief and Hope. To turn a blind eye to the natural world, as we have done, translates into psychical ecocide. So much has been lost to the hubris and cupidity inherent to the hyper-industrialization and commercial hustler that defines the Anthropocene Epoch. g. Because mission has not been accomplished. By Phil Rockstroh August 11, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - The US is less of a nation than a collective, psychotic episode. This may be a few years old but, it is an awesome rant and still relevant. by Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad August 25, 2020 “Not voting for Biden reveals your privilege. 6, 2020, in Fort Wayne. Like the 'good Germans' of the 1930s, you might believe your codified hatreds and commodified. health“We would of course work later hours back then,” said Phil Rockstroh, a longtime Blade staffer, in a 2016 Blade interview. Rockstroh is co-author, with Chris Chandler, of Protection From All This Safety, (Portals Press, 1997, ISBN: 0916620301). Perception is degraded. By Phil Rockstroh. And they seem to be surveying the. Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living in New York City. by Phil Rockstroh August 27, 2005 "If he [Hugo Chávez] thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. Every two to four years, voters. Wall Street is again flush with the electronic facsimile of the stuff once known as money. Do you recall the will displayed by Iranians when repelling foreign invaders when Iraq attempted to invade…Article: Idiot Wind: The Eternal Return Of The Politics Of The 1970s - The empire is too pervasive and invasive to avoid our being carriers of its proliferate pathologies; this system weaned us. They want to take over the whole world. com And at FaceBook:. I’ve noticed a meme beginning to fester among liberal insiders who are positing that the Occupy Wall Street movement is starting to “distract” the citizenry from the. What Was Verifiably Great About America… Life Circumstances Under the Present Neoliberal Order By Phil Rockstroh, December 15, 2017 . Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living in New York City. SecondHandSongs is building the most comprehensive source of cover song information. The Rockstroh Insurance Agency, 333 N. Within day to day life in the nation, a cultural aura exists that shifts, mingles, and merges between a sense of nervous agitation and displaced rage, in combination with a sense of weightlessness. The course of action taken by the present-day U. On May 1, after a day of May Day activities on the streets and avenues of Manhattan, my wife and I and a troop of other OWS celebrants marched into Zuccotti Park to jubilant. The non-privileged live. The United States of America is less of a nation than a collective, psychotic episode. His. By Phil Rockstroh The bad news is we have been deluged with. In a concomitant manner, the spectre of violent death pervades the imagery of the US’s entertainment industry and stalks the citizen’s dreams. Become a Fan (51 fans). “Everything was typeset and done by hand without computers and fax. “We would of course work later hours back then,” said Phil Rockstroh, a longtime Blade staffer, in a 2016 Blade interview. A march proceeds, chants are cast into indifferent air, speechifying. Apropos. Delay is gone. Gulden, Tim McDonald, and Parousia Rockstroh, Leveraging Complexity in Great-Power Competition and Warfare: Volume I, An Initial Exploration of How Complex Adaptive Systems Thinking Can Frame Opportunities and Challenges, RAND Corporation, RR-A589-1, 2021. 30, 1945 in Fort Wayne. ” The US has entered into Freikorp/Brownshirt territory. . 'Superficial explanations for today's social anxiety and political discontent miss the underlying reality: the crisis of late-stage capitalism in its frantic death throes, explains poet Phil. Bush's war crimes continues Iraq: 34 killed as violence : Five police officers were killed Friday -- four in Dhuluiya north of the capital of Baghdad and another in the northeastern Baghdad neighborhood of Waziriya. By Phil Rockstroh (Page 1 of 2 pages) 5 comments. A bitter irony of modernity is that the age-old dream of freeing people from work's tedium has been answered by robots, but capitalism has turned that 'freedom' into a barren life with little left. 7 F (40. Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living, now, in Munich, Germany. PR: Kenn, recently, this observation of mine provoked a measure of ire: Street demonstrations,. By Phil Rockstroh. ” Only privileged people seem to believe the US possesses a viable democracy. Introduction by Kenn Orphan. is less of a nation than a collective, psychotic episode. increasingly. The Interstate And States of Grief, By Phil Rockstrah and Angela-Tyler Rockstrah. In the consumer paradigm, one is induced to exist by Eric Hoffer’s dictum: “You can never get enough of what you really don’t need. LATEST NEWS. He may be contacted at: [email protected] Rockstroh. So many hours, at present, lived out psychically shuffling through the social media’s Pixel Inferno, an. Phil Rockstroh is a company that operates in the Consumer Goods industry. By Phil Rockstroh. Climate chaos. S. By Phil Rockstroh December 15, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - Having been born in a coal and steel company town but destiny delivered, as an adult, to reside, during extended intervals, in the East and West Coast cities of Los Angeles and New York City, and, at present, the continent of Europe, I have come to conclude, people born into. He may be contacted: philrockstroh. by Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad Originally published Dec. by Phil Rockstroh. Discover The Original. Phil Rockstroh on Swans (with bio). Become a Fan (51 fans). It was the back porch of the family home, according to Dick Rockstroh. “Everything was typeset and done by hand without computers and fax. Internal Resources. Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living, now, in Munich, Germany. Recently, discourse, within the free-range pathogen zone of the U. He was born Dec. Yet a bio amounts to dharma for dimwits: It defines a human being in the same manner and degree of veracity as a restaurant menu describes the various slabs of meat offered. Kenn, I’ve noticed in your pieces you explore the topic of the myriad and perpetual degradations that capitalism inflicts on the powerless. The degradation of U. By Phil Rockstroh. Search for: Volume 27, Number 358 — Saturday, December 24, 2022. Jan 18, 2020 | By Phil Rockstroh, Tim King, Danny Haiphong, Edward Curtin | ahtribune. By Phil Rockstroh (Page 1 of 3 pages) (View How Many People Read This) 7 comments. Within day-to-day life in the nation, a cultural aura exists that shifts, mingles and merges between a sense of nervous agitation and displaced rage, in combination with a sense of weightlessness. By Phil Rockstroh. Within day to day life in the nation, a cultural aura exists that shifts, mingles, and merges between a sense. Yet — let’s not have our progressives&#8217; version of a strutting on the flight [&hellip;]Phil Rockstroh, a self-confessed gasbag monologist, is a poet and a musician who lives in New York City (Manhattan). It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war. A lesser person might have let bitterness ruin his life. Within day to day life in the nation, a cultural aura exists that shifts, mingles, and merges between a sense of nervous agitation and displaced rage, in combination with a sense of weightlessness. New fromPhil Rockstroh | 11/08/2012 | Society Gun Control and the Second Amendment Restricting the manufacture, thus profit motive, of firearms is a must… to keep them out of the hands of criminals, psychopaths, and idiots, and that includes the cops. August 2, 2004 (Swans - August 2, 2004) Is authentic human experience even possible in an environment constructed of the flimsy artifices of corporate marketing "values" and its concomitant twenty-four-hour-a-day saturation of advertisements? Who are we -- when our identities are formed upon the basis of a. Being reclusive seems to be working, or you wouldn’t be getting attention. There is no reality-based argument denying this: The present system, as defined by the neoliberal economic order, is as destructive to the balance of nature as it is to the. The devices employed in US election cycles and its national politics, in general, are akin to the dramatic conventions of children’s theatre. “We would of course work later hours back then,” said Phil Rockstroh, a longtime Blade staffer, in a 2016 Blade interview. Saturday, Sept. Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist, essayist and philosopher bard. Become a Fan (51 fans). I'll go on. Visit him at FaceBook. By Phil Rockstroh Posted on January 10, 2014 by Phil Rockstroh According to a recent, exhaustive study commissioned by the US Department of Energy and headed by a scientific team from the U. Stephen was preceded in death by his father, Frederick Rockstroh; and mother, Lenna Mae Rockstroh. com. At mid-evening, on Saturday, March 17, upon the six-month anniversary of the occupation of Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan, the NYPD initiated another brutal operation to expel. By Phil. by Phil Rockstroh | December 18, 2017 - 6:26am Having been born in a coal and steel company town but destiny delivered, as an adult, to reside, during extended intervals, in the East and West Coast cities of Los Angeles and New York City, and, at. Phil Rockstroh-- World News Trust June 15, 2009 -- Even as President Barrack Obama waxed eloquent in Cairo, Egypt, on the moral imperatives of the community of nations, public opinion polls released in the United States revealed that, by a substantial percentage, its citizens believe torture is an acceptable option for interrogation of. His poems, short fiction and essays have been published in numerous print publications and anthologies; his political essays have been widely posted on the progressive side of the internet. m. S. The Michael Ochs Archive began as a record collection but soon grew to include 3 million photographs and assorted music ephemera. The notion that the dismal circumstance will recede by the banishment of Donald Trump from the scene. From his lofty perch in New York City, the “poet” and “philosopher bard” Phil Rockstroh has written an attack on the White working class of Alabama, whose rage he claims is misdirected by the paranoid perception that their sense of identity is under attack. " - George Orwell Rumsfeld is gone. By Phil Rockstroh Life, as lived, moment to moment, in the corporate/consumer state, involves moving between states of tedium, stress, and swoons of mass media and consumer distraction. It's a whole lot ch. Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living, now, in Munich, Germany. By Phil Rockstroh (Page 1 of 2 pages) 2 comments. She also creates satirical graphics for Phil Rockstroh and has recently worked with Flickerlab on. Wealth inequity is worse than in the Gilded Age. — Richard II's lament from Act 5, Scene 5 of Shakespeare's eponymous tragedy Given the (great unspoken) fact, the wealth of Western civilisation’s ruling class was created by, andJoe Bageant, Phil Rockstroh & John Steppling (Swans - February 28, 2005) As a fan of Joe's, I asked if he wanted to participate in a cyber-conversation with Phil and myself. Guy McPherson, an article that deserves far more attention than it is likely to receive in either the mainstream, scholarly, or so-called alternative media. By Phil Rockstroh Recently, Democratic Party elites have p. by Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad August 11, 2019 The US is less of a nation than a collective, psychotic episode. As a general rule, musicians, artists, and writers, as well as those possessed of an ardor for self-awareness and a commitment to political activism have been advised to avoid a. Medicating The Dead by Phil Rockstroh July 14, 2005 “Despite a nearly 500% increase in mental health drugs being prescribed to children in the previous six years, the NFC [New Freedom Commission on Mental Health] recommended a plan of mandatory mental health screening for all public school students and follow-up treatment. That's their evil purpose. Spector went on to write and produce multiple number one songs in the United States and the. Become a Fan (51 fans). ” –Jeffrey St. Our tools, weapons, machines, and appliances are crucial to forging the cultural criteria of human life. At present, most of us negotiate our days so distracted, disillusioned, dazed, buffeted, bought or marginalized by the corporate state/mass media hologram — the multi-headed. , the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein, I’m curious as to your response to my…Paul Rockstroh Found 8 people in California, North Carolina and 5 other states. Filed under: Politics & Society Tags: Iraq, Phil Rockstroh. On US Interstates, we meet the US empire coming towards us. by Phil Rockstroh and Kenn Orphan Writer, Dandelion Salad August 4, 2019 PR: Recently, the temperature in Paris rose to 108. Main menu Skip to content. Do you wish to share your opinion? We invite your comments. "-- Theodore Adorno "I can't go on. America the 'beautiful' on Swans. Capitalism’s War against Life Itself By Phil Rockstroh, December 10, 2017 . by Kenn Orphan and Phil Rockstroh. Phil Rockstroh is on Facebook. navy, by the summer of 2015, the Arctic Ocean could be bereft of ice, a phenomenon that will engender devastating consequences for the earth’s. Dying oceans. Dying oceans. by Phil Rockstroh "If he [Hugo Chávez] thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. And I don't think any oil shipments will stop. Almost exactly ten years ago, in June of 2002, my wife and I were driving through Colorado, on our way from Los Angeles to New York City. Despite all the cultural cues that we have internalized, one cannot consume, medicate, buy on credit, receive a promotion, vacation, vote, hope, affect a pose of hipster irony, tithe to the church. Unlikely Stories Presents "Beneath those stars is a universe of gliding monsters"--Herman Melville Hilarious in their original symbolism, but not in the least bit lighthearted, the prose poems of Phil Rockstroh speak freely on the menace of ancient gods and giant peanuts, warning us of our trivial place in an universe that is by turns apathetic and hostile. A conversation between Phil Rockstroh and Kenn [email protected]. –Phil Rockstroh (2/27/19) “One keeps looking for the moral clarity of Gene McCarthy, Wayne Morse or Mike Gravel from Bernie Sanders on issues of war and peace. navy, by the summer of 2015, the Arctic Ocean could be bereft of ice, a phenomenon that will engender devastating consequences for. By Phil Rockstroh. by Phil Rockstroh and Kenn Orphan Writer, Dandelion Salad July 23, 2019 Kenn, I’ve noticed in your pieces you explore the topic of the myriad and perpetual degradations that capitalism inflicts on the powerless. By Phil Rockstroh. Our tools, weapons, machines, and appliances are crucial to forging the. Phil Rockstroh extends Lowder’s analysis, rightfully connecting the political illiteracy reflected in the student rampaging at Penn State to a wider set of forces characterizing the broader society to the. By Phil Rockstroh The U.