Phil rockstroh. OpEdNews Op Eds 6/11/2012 at 22:34:16 H3'ed 6/11/12 In The Name Of My Father, Part Two: In the shadow of the corporate state madhouseby Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad December 11, 2017 Humankind, being an inherently tool-making species, has always been in a relationship with technology. Phil rockstroh

OpEdNews Op Eds 6/11/2012 at 22:34:16 H3'ed 6/11/12 In The Name Of My Father, Part Two: In the shadow of the corporate state madhouseby Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad December 11, 2017 Humankind, being an inherently tool-making species, has always been in a relationship with technologyPhil rockstroh " — Phil Rockstroh Radio

In a concomitant manner, the spectre of violent death pervades the. m. “We would of course work later hours back then,” said Phil Rockstroh, a longtime Blade staffer, in a 2016 Blade interview. Capitalism Imperialism Trumpism. I remember my first impression of the Reality Television program American Idol. OPINION. Both, the present era has produced in abundance. Mehlman is gone. By Phil Rockstroh. By Phil Rockstroh From the picture window of our family's eighth f. " - George Orwell Rumsfeld is gone. Phil Rockstroh on Swans (with bio). The development, which has been building over the years,. Thus given the unfolding of recent events e. A bitter irony of modernity is that the age-old dream of freeing people from work's tedium has been answered by robots, but capitalism has turned that 'freedom' into a barren life with little left. Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living, now, in Munich, Germany. By Phil Rockstroh. 'Superficial explanations for today's social anxiety and political discontent miss the underlying reality: the crisis of late-stage capitalism in its frantic death throes, explains poet Phil. He may be contacted at: [email protected] Rockstroh. Ha, ha! keep time: how sour sweet music is, When time is broke and no proportion kept! So is it in the music of men's lives. corporate/militarist empire and the concomitant. Do you recall the will displayed by Iranians when repelling foreign invaders when Iraq attempted to invade…by Phil Rockstroh. By Phil Rockstroh, December 21, 2017 . By Phil Rockstroh. “Everything was typeset and done by hand without computers and fax. About; Archives; Assange Hearing;The Arts of Life They Changed Into the Arts of Death. by Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad December 22, 2017 The effects of humankind created Climate Chaos are proving to be more devastating than even the most grim predictions. A lesser person might have let bitterness ruin his life. So many hours, at present, lived out psychically shuffling through the social media’s Pixel Inferno, an. I remember my first impression of the Reality Television program American Idol. Visit him at FaceBook. Lingel, Sherrill, Matthew Sargent, Timothy R. Within day to day life in the nation, a cultural aura exists that shifts, mingles, and merges between a sense of. She also creates satirical graphics for Phil Rockstroh and has recently worked with Flickerlab on. The non. Please include your full name, address and phone number. Write one word after the next on your protest sign. by Phil Rockstroh "If he [Hugo Chávez] thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It employs 6-10 people and has $1M-$5M of revenue. Join Facebook to connect with Phil Rockstroh and others you may know. The non-privileged live. com and at FaceBook . Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living in New York City. PR: Kenn, recently, this observation of mine provoked a measure of ire: Street demonstrations,. By Phil Rockstroh (Page 1 of 10 pages) 3 comments. Dying oceans. Introduction; FAQ; Glossary; Music licensing; API; Bookmarks; RaBy Phil Rockstroh In my opinion, when people opine that the OWS movement is about — or should be about — the airing of this particular grievance or that it must bandy this or that particular. There is just too much. By Phil Rockstroh. is less of a nation than a collective. Like the 'good Germans' of the 1930s, you might believe your codified hatreds and commodified. By Phil Rockstroh. To express indifference or to be an apologist for the quotidian evils of our time is reprehensible. by Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad August 25, 2020 “Not voting for Biden reveals your privilege. Poet Phil Rockstroh says he encounters many such confused souls in his native South. com. By Phil Rockstroh. But this is a Botox Recovery: A superficial procedure, accomplished with a nerve. Phil Rockstroh follows up on last week's essay, and applies poetic thinking to the quagmire that is 21st century living. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war. . commodified things that were once living beings. political class in addressing the era’s rising tide of economic hardship and ecological peril has proven as helpful as. Footlong Hot Dogs of the Apocalypse. by Phil Rockstroh | October 16, 2017 - 6:13am A number of recent, press articles, including an over 8000 word feature piece in the New York Times have asked, to quote the The NYT’s headline, “Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever. By Phil Rockstroh (Page 1 of 3 pages) (View How Many People Read This) 5 comments. S. Do you recall the will displayed by Iranians when repelling foreign invaders when Iraq attempted to invade…Article: Idiot Wind: The Eternal Return Of The Politics Of The 1970s - The empire is too pervasive and invasive to avoid our being carriers of its proliferate pathologies; this system weaned us. Weltschmerz (from German; from Welt (world) + Schmerz (pain) delineates the type of sadness experienced when the world revealed does not reflect the image of the world that one believes, or has been led to believe, should exist. SecondHandSongs is building the most comprehensive source of cover song information. View contact information: phones, addresses, emails and networks. The reality of and the outward toll inflicted by greenhouse-gas engendered Climate Change is clearly evident (to all but the corrupt and devoutly ignorant) e. By Phil Rockstroh. by Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad September 2, 2020 Glaring sign of intellectual dishonesty of a society that has sunken into a psychical pit of fascist depravity: Terming an armed, racist terrorist, intent on murder, a “vigilante. by Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad August 25, 2020 “Not voting for Biden reveals your privilege. Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living, now, in Munich, Germany. Shortly thereafter, during an email exchange with an old friend, a prominent…By Phil Rockstroh (Page 1 of 2 pages) (View How Many People Read This) 7 comments. That's their evil purpose. — Richard II's lament from Act 5, Scene 5 of Shakespeare's eponymous tragedy Given the (great unspoken) fact, the wealth of Western civilisation’s ruling class was created by, andJoe Bageant, Phil Rockstroh & John Steppling (Swans - February 28, 2005) As a fan of Joe's, I asked if he wanted to participate in a cyber-conversation with Phil and myself. By Phil Rockstroh A beautiful and sad visual commentary Poem in extend section A Zoo Of Our Own Making: We will kill for empire and a parking space By Phil Rockstroh In an age, when nature is besieged and the political landscape blighted, and one stands, stoop shouldered and wincing into the howling wasteland of. He may be contacted:. com . Phil Rockstroh-- World News Trust June 15, 2009 -- Even as President Barrack Obama waxed eloquent in Cairo, Egypt, on the moral imperatives of the community of nations, public opinion polls released in the United States revealed that, by a substantial percentage, its citizens believe torture is an acceptable option for interrogation of. The level and quality of analysis on contemporary American life and. By Phil Rockstroh. Phil Spector got his first hit song while still in high school with a group called The Teddy Bears. Phil ROCKSTROH. by Phil Rockstroh | December 16, 2017 - 6:28am Humankind, being an inherently tool-making species, has always been in a relationship with technology. The devices employed in US election cycles and its national politics, in general, are akin to the dramatic conventions of children’s theatre. Yet — let’s not have our progressives’ version of a strutting on the flight […]Phil Rockstroh, a self-confessed gasbag monologist, is a poet and a musician who lives in New York City (Manhattan). Department of Energy and headed by a scientific team from the U. Navy, by the summer of 2015, the Arctic Ocean. Our tools, weapons, machines, and appliances are crucial to forging the cultural criteria of human life. Phil Rockstroh on Swans (with bio). And who will join this standing upand the ones who stood without sweet companywill sing and singback into the mountains andif necessaryeven under the sea: we are the ones we have been waiting for. About; Archives;Phil Rockstroh | 01/12/2012 | Society. May 5, 2011 By Phil Rockstroh Editor’s Note: Many Americans felt giddy over the killing of Osama bin Laden in part because his name was associated with. By Phil Rockstroh. ” –Jeffrey St. The corporate/consumer state (as well as, its scion, the present day. President Obama and the Democratic Congress could have ridden a wave of public discontent towards meaningful reform, but instead they have hugged the shore. A number of recent press articles, including an over 8,000-word feature piece in The New York Times have asked. Due to the consolidation of wealth and privilege into fewer and fewer hands, thus requiring escalating amounts of officially mandated surveillance and brutality to maintain. New York City, NY. The notion that the dismal circumstance will recede by the banishment of Donald Trump from the scene. Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living in New York City. His poems, short fiction and essays have been published in numerous print publications and anthologies; his political essays have been widely posted on the progressive side of the internet. " — Phil Rockstroh Radio. She also creates satirical graphics for Phil Rockstroh and has recently worked with Flickerlab on the opening animation of the new Michael Moore. OpEdNews Op Eds 6/11/2012 at 22:34:16 H3'ed 6/11/12 In The Name Of My Father, Part Two: In the shadow of the corporate state madhouseby Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad December 11, 2017 Humankind, being an inherently tool-making species, has always been in a relationship with technology. 2 C) set on July 28, 1947 of 104. S. " -- Pat Robertson "Muslims want to rule the world. Visit him at FaceBook. By Phil Rockstroh Posted on January 10, 2014 by Phil Rockstroh According to a recent, exhaustive study commissioned by the US Department of Energy and headed by a scientific team from the U. But the modern era offers a special challenge as lies are now the mass-manufactured product of an industry that relentlessly serves the interests of the powerful, as Phil Rockstroh writes. Article Tools E-mail | Print Comments (2) FB comments () Tweet. by Phil Rockstroh. Gulden, Tim McDonald, and Parousia Rockstroh, Leveraging Complexity in Great-Power Competition and Warfare: Volume I, An Initial Exploration of How Complex Adaptive Systems Thinking Can Frame Opportunities and Challenges, RAND Corporation, RR-A589-1, 2021. The technologies that inflicted upon the world the ongoing tragedies in both the Gulf of Mexico and Japan serve a dangerous addiction. Search for: Volume 28, Number 58. STEPHEN ROCKSTROH, 74, of Fort Wayne, died Sunday, Sept. Articles by Phil Rockstroh Truth on Martin Luther King Day. ” Only privileged people seem to believe the US possesses a viable democracy. A conversation between Phil Rockstroh and Kenn Orphan. The US empire wages perpetual war, hot and cold, overt and covert, including military brinksmanship with the. Counter Punch. Rumours of war and the lexicon of war permeate the culture of empires, and the US empire is not an exception. increasingly. Phil Rockstroh: Yet we attempt to escape by means of the ersatz eros of social media. It's a whole lot ch. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war. Yet what we are offered is mush and drivel. By Phil Rockstroh December 15, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - Having been born in a coal and steel company town but destiny delivered, as an adult, to reside, during extended intervals, in the East and West Coast cities of Los Angeles and New York City, and, at present, the continent of Europe, I have come to conclude, people born into. Nothing new or surprising. by Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad September 23, 2019 Will Trump go to war with the Iranians or the homeless? Or both? Trump is a coward. Phil Rockstroh Profile and History. We purposely avoided any pre-determined topics or rules -- this was meant to be just a friendly talk about the condition of the world (a pretty wide topic, that). As the poor of Britain rise in a fury of inchoate rage and as stock exchanges worldwide experience manic upswings and panicked swoons the financial elite (and their political. mistaking configurations of pixels. With increasing velocity, since the advent of the post-Second World War national security state, then gaining speed with the incessant search and destroy mission waged on the U. “Everything was typeset and done by hand without computers and fax. Phil Rockstroh extends Lowder’s analysis, rightfully connecting the political illiteracy reflected in the student rampaging at Penn State to a wider set of forces characterizing the broader society to the. The Michael Ochs Archive began as a record collection but soon grew to include 3 million photographs and assorted music ephemera. Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist, essayist and philosopher bard. About; Archives; Assange Hearing; CN Live!Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living in New York City. At present, amid the technology created phantomscape of mass media’s lurid. Wealth inequity is worse than in the Gilded Age. Phil Rockstroh | 22/12/2012 | Society. S. Almost exactly ten years ago, in June of 2002, my wife and I were driving through Colorado, on our way from Los Angeles to New York City. Language truncated. From his lofty perch in New York City, the “poet” and “philosopher bard” Phil Rockstroh has written an attack on the White working class of Alabama, whose rage he claims is misdirected by the paranoid perception that their sense of identity is under attack. Do you wish to share your opinion? We invite your comments. LATEST NEWS. According to a recent, exhaustive study commissioned by the U. Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist, and essayist, published widely across the progressive internet. OpEdNews Op Eds 8/16/2012 at 12:04 AM EDT H2'ed 8/16/12 Beaten Down, Isolated, Angry, And Distracted: "Awake we share the world; sleeping each turns to his private world. Angela Tyler-Rockstroh is a broadcast designer/animator who currently works with HBO. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war. Trump is merely a representation of one of the genera of imps squatting in the dark recesses. OpEdNews Op Eds 11/15/2011 at 6:26 PM EST H2'ed 11/15/11 The Police State Makes Its Move: Retaining one's humanity in the face of tyrannyby Phil Rockstroh Writer, Dandelion Salad December 11, 2017 Humankind, being an inherently tool-making species, has always been in a relationship with technology. Become a Fan (51 fans). Regardless of the dissembling of corporate-state propagandists, free-market capitalism has always been a government-subsidized, bubble-inflating, swindlers’ game, in which. The development, which has been building over the years,. Article Tools E-mail | Print Comments (1) FB comments () Tweet. By Phil Rockstroh August 11, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - The US is less of a nation than a collective, psychotic episode. August 2, 2004 (Swans - August 2, 2004) Is authentic human experience even possible in an environment constructed of the flimsy artifices of corporate marketing "values" and its concomitant twenty-four-hour-a-day saturation of advertisements? Who are we -- when our identities are formed upon the basis of a. Climate chaos. A couple of decades ago, upon returning to Atlanta, Georgia, after spending a year abroad, I would frequent an independent bookshop that contained a small coffee shop/cafe. ORIGINAL ARTICLE. population -- and even the police -- as fellow members of the 99 percent, but many Americans. Internal Resources. [Photo: Arctic ice melt from an InTech open access book by Bharat Raj Singh and Onkar Singh] By Moti Nissani This posting reproduces a recent article by Prof. He may be contacted: philrockstroh. By Phil Rockstroh Life, as lived, moment to moment, in the corporate/consumer state, involves moving between states of tedium, stress, and swoons of mass media and consumer distraction. The Interstate And States of Grief, By Phil Rockstrah and Angela-Tyler Rockstrah. Rockstroh is co-author, with Chris Chandler, of Protection From All This Safety, (Portals Press, 1997, ISBN: 0916620301). Phil Rockstroh, a self-confessed gasbag monologist, is a poet and a musician who lives in New York City (Manhattan). This follows a flurry of attacks in the capital and outlying provinces Thursday that left 29 dead, including police, soldiers, civilians, pro-government. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. From his lofty perch in New York City, the “poet” and “philosopher bard” Phil Rockstroh has written an attack on the White working class of Alabama, whose rage he. Someone (sorry I forget who) observed that not one of the leaders who led the invasion of Iraq has expressed the slightest remorse for turning that country into a charnel-house. S. The nation of Iran has the means and the will to fight. Article: What Was Verifiably Great About America: Fragments of a Memoir Set To A Musical Soundtrack - I have come to conclude, people born into situations providing economic advantage, both. John embraced life and became even more. Our tools, weapons, machines, and appliances are crucial to forging the. ” –Emma Goldman Rumsfeld is gone. PR: Kenn, recently, this observation of mine provoked a measure of ire: Street demonstrations, even large ones, are apropos of nothing as long as they are manifested as de facto state sanctioned protests. Apropos. By Phil Rockstroh (Page 1 of 2 pages) 3 comments. “We would of course work later hours back then,” said Phil Rockstroh, a longtime Blade staffer, in a 2016 Blade interview. “Everything was typeset and done by hand without computers and fax. Apr 14, 2011 | Emotional/Spiritual | 2 comments. “Everything was typeset and done by hand without computers and fax. S. I’m in Atlanta, Georgia, at present, among the scent of pine trees and the reek of southern denial. Introduction by Kenn Orphan. Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living, now, in Munich, Germany. Browse by Topic. Join Facebook to connect with Phil Rockstroh and others you may know. About. Superficial explanations for today’s social anxiety and political discontent miss the underlying reality: the crisis of late-stage capitalism in its frantic death throes, explains poet Phil Rockstroh. He maybe contacted at: [email protected]. By Phil Rockstroh The bad news is we have been deluged with. Saturday, Sept. Until recent events proved otherwise, the hyper-commercialized surface of the corporate state gave the appearance of being too diffuse — too devoid of a center to pose a. Search for: Volume 28, Number 69 — Saturday, March 11, 2023. study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and. Rockstroh claims to have grown up in Birmingham. Unlikely Stories Presents "Beneath those stars is a universe of gliding monsters"--Herman Melville Hilarious in their original symbolism, but not in the least bit lighthearted, the prose poems of Phil Rockstroh speak freely on the menace of ancient gods and giant peanuts, warning us of our trivial place in an universe that is by turns apathetic and hostile. In the presence of death and in the aftermath of great storms, we apprehend how vainly we cling to the illusion of certainty and permanence. Put one foot in front of the other. It was the back porch of the family home, according to Dick Rockstroh.