PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. If you would like to march in the parade with PFLAG, call Cindy Waldmann at (719) 488-9887. orado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. PFLAG Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward October 2016FEBRUARY PFLAG MEETING Tuesday February 17,2015 7:00 p. m. m. Pueblo does not have a PFLAG chapter. PFLAG Vision Statement. Colorado Springs, CO Gender Identity Therapists - List Your Practice on Mental Health Match. One Colorado The Dwelling Place 508 North Tejon Street Everyone is welcome. For more information check out this month's PFLAG Colorado Springs newsletter. Social time begins at 6:30 p. June 25, 2016 PFLAG Vision Statement . Get set up for new referrals in 10 minutes or less. org. Read our Q&A with PFLAG Colorado Springs to find out more about the impact they are making in their local community. “From Selma to Stonewall— Are We there Yet?” Documentary Film 56 minutes. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. This is the Rocky Mountain Region’s largest one-day HIV/AIDS fundraiser, raising money for vital services for HIV/AIDS clients of Colorado AIDSVenetucci Farm, 5210 US-85, Colorado Springs Why To help Inside Out Youth Services raise funds so we can continue providing life-saving services and programs that promote the well-being of LGBTQIA2+ young people, ages 13-24. The registered office location is at 1515 Bison Ridge Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80919. Ting Staff Jun 29, 2023 Towns Online For All: Learn more about the ACP Week of Action. What PFLAG Means To Me PFLAG has been a wonderful sup-port system! The monthly confidential meetings with other parents and allies of the LGBT+. Red Gravy is an Italian restaurant lo-cated at 23 South Tejon Street in Colo-Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. For more information, and to receive the Zoom meeting link, email transparent[email protected]. m. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. m. To attend the meeting, please send an email message to: [email protected]. eastern Colorado, working to create partnerships and building capacity in our community. For more information contact the organizers at [email protected]. PFLAG Colorado Springs July, 2015 July PFLAG Meeting—Summer Ice Cream Social The July PFLAG meeting will feature a summer icePflag at , Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Shawna Kemppainen Executive Director of Urban Peak The Dwelling Place 508 North Tejon Street Social time begins at 6:30 Everyone is welcome. PFLAG Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward October 2016Colorado Springs, CO 80949 devote their days, nights, hopes, PFLAG Colorado Springs website: g PFLAG National Office website: Newsletter Editor: Karen Flitton Stith E-mail: [email protected]. PFLAG Billboard on Colorado Avenue Bridge The Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG has creat-easily seen from the west-bound lanes of the Colorado Avenue Bridge. Social time begins at 6:30 p. The Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG member-ship year begins on October 1. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. The TYES program originated and is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado. Conversation and Support To attend the meeting, please send an email message to:Though fear, confusion and grief weigh heavy on the LGBTQ community in Colorado Springs, local groups say they refuse to hide. Fr. 423 E Cucharas StreetPFLAG Colorado Springs — During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this organization is offering support meetings virtually over Zoom. PFLAG Vision Statement . PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. m. The large billboard is located downtown, in the same place as the earlier PFLAG billboard was Local PrideFest Week Kicks Off on July 13 PFLAG July Meeting Will Be In -Person After 15 months of virtual meetings using Zoom, Colorado Springs PFLAG will return to The Dwelling Place, 508 North Tejon Street, on July 20. One Colorado Focus on LGBT (Especially T) Health Issues The Dwelling Place 508 North Tejon Street Coffee, cookies Everyone is welcome. June 25, 2016 PFLAG Vision Statement . Martin is a Catholic Jesuit priest who received PFLAG’s “Flag Bearer Award” at its national convention in 2017. Light Refreshments, Social Time. PFLAG Vision Statement . PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. The national organization known as PFLAG was founded in 1973 after the Stonewall Riots had helped to fuel the gay rights movement in 1969. Fr. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. PFLAG Vision Statement . PFLAG Vision Statement . m. To contact the Colorado Springs TYES volunteers, call PFLAG at (719) 425-9567 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. PFLAG Support Groups; PFLAG Downloads; LGBTQ+ Resources; LGBTQ+ Reading list; Education; Advocacy; Scholarships. Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 TransParenting Support Group TransParenting, a program of Inside Out Youth Services, is a monthly sup-port group for parents/caregivers of transgender and gender nonbinary children, 3rd Thursday of every month, 6:00 — 7:30 p. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-Early History of PFLAG in Colorado Springs In the early part of the 1990s, Colorado Springs was experiencing an influx of right wing ideology and anti-gay rhetoric from many sources. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. Pride Colorado Springs PFLAG is marching in the June 1 parade. To receive this newsletter regularly, go to the website: . To receive this newsletter regularly, sign up on the website: . To contact PFLAG, send email to: [email protected]. PFLAG Vision Statement. Belladia 2022-12-08T18:48:00-08:00 December 8th, 2022 | 0 Comments. PFLAG Vision Statement . Conversation and SupportPFLAG Anniversary Dinner — September 21 Please join Colorado Springs PFLAG in celebrating its 25th Anniver-sary with a festive dinner in the private room at Red Gravy restaurant in down-town Colorado Springs on Saturday, September 21, starting at 6:00 p. Colorado Springs PFLAG Support Line: (719) 425 -9567 Facebook: PFLAG. m. March 30, 2021. PFLAG Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward June 2016 One Colorado Political Director to to be Guest At June PFLAG MeetingPFLAG. His recent book, Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church andPFLAG Colorado Springs Parents, Families Friends and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward December, 2015 PFLAG Membership work they do. Colorado Springs PFLAG — 25th Anniversary PFLAG members and friends of PFLAG gathered at Red Gravy restau-rant in Colorado Springs on September 21 for a dinner celebrating the 25 th anni-versary of the founding of Colorado Springs PFLAG. m. m. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. The bill created anti-bullying protections to include gender identity and sexual orientation as protected classes in anti-bullying laws. org. To attend the meeting, please send an email message to: [email protected]. Box 49131 Colorado Springs. m. For more information and to get thePFLAG Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward November 2020 PFLAG Sponsors “Transhood” Film in Rocky Mountain Women’s Film Festival November PFLAG Meeting By Zoom Online Tuesday, November 17 7:00 p. Colorado Springs PFLAG would like to help match up a few PFLAG families as sponsors of Spectrum cadets. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. This was the fourth time since 2013 that a group of parents from Colorado Springs PFLAG has visited Spectrum. Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline The SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline is available for anyone 50 or over who wishes to discuss issues related to sex-ual orientation or gender identity. Rost Compares Election Fallout to Amendment 2 Statewide Tour: “We Are One Colorado” PFLAG Director Steps Down Jody Huckaby, PFLAG National’s Ex-ecutive Director for the past 12 years,trum a $250 donation from PFLAG. Social time begins at 6:30 p. PFLAG Vision Statement . PFLAG Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBTQ People to Move Equality Forward June 2021 June PFLAG Meeting Zoom Online Tuesday, June 15 7:00 p. orgColorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. m. CO 80949 719-425-9567 [email protected] Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward August 2016 Cartoonist, Inside/Out Youth Team Up To Tell Stories On the website for Inside/Out Youth Services, the LGBTQ sup-port group in Colorado Springs, there is a link to alphabetsoup-Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. Urban Peak Discussion With Shawna Kemppainen and Shannon Scanlon The Dwelling Place. Social time begins at 6:30 p. Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. Tejon Street Program: PRIDE Weekend Review. I use depth psychology, somatic and mindfulness based healing to create a therapeutic space that helps you heal and grow. m. Eventbrite - Leah Degon presents 2022 Colorado Springs Pride Prom - Saturday, July 30, 2022 at Ivywild School, Colorado Springs, CO. Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. Conversation and Support To attend the meeting, please send an email message to:Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. Rockie Sanders, CMA Income and Estate Tax Issues for Couples and Singles The Dwelling Place 508 North Tejon Street Everyone is welcome. PFLAG Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward June 2016 One Colorado Political Director to to be Guest At June PFLAG Meeting© 2023 Center for Spiritual Living Colorado Springs. Colorado Springs. PFLAG Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado. March 31, 2021 · We are so thankful for Inside Out Youth Services in Colorado Springs! Mama Dragons. Shawna Kemppainen Executive Director of Urban Peak The Dwelling Place 508 North Tejon Street Social time begins at 6:30 Everyone is welcome. O. About the Scholarships; Apply for Scholarships;. PFLAG Vision Statement . PFLAG Vision Statement . PFLAG Vision Statement . The nation’s largest family and ally organization, PFLAG, Promotes the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (GLBT) persons, their families and friends and is committed to advancing equality through its mission of support, education, and advocacy. PFLAG Vision Statement . Education for ourselves and othersCounselor, MA, LPCC, NCC. m. Get involved! Donate. EitherPFLAG Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward January 2021 The Place and Inside Out Open Daytime Winter Center January PFLAG Meeting Zoom Online Tuesday, January 19 7:00 p. m. PFLAG Vision Statement. PFLAG Vision Statement. Pride Spotlight: PFLAG Colorado Springs. The large billboard is located downtown, in the same place as the earlier PFLAG billboard was Local PrideFest Week Kicks Off on July 13 PFLAG July Meeting Will Be In -Person After 15 months of virtual meetings using Zoom, Colorado Springs PFLAG will return to The Dwelling Place, 508 North Tejon Street, on July 20. PFLAG provides support, education and advocacy for people who are LGBTQ+, their families, and allies. CO 80949 719-425-9567 [email protected]. Box 49131 Colorado Springs. Conversation With A Gender Therapist Dara Hoffman-Fox, LPC The Dwelling Place 508 North Tejon Street Everyone is welcome. Social time begins at 6:30 p. Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. Chief among these were Focus on the Family and Colorado for Family Values (CFV). Martin is a Catholic Jesuit priest who received PFLAG’s “Flag Bearer Award” at its national convention in 2017. Colorado Springs, CO 80918; 719-596-6894; Prayer Requests; Message Our On-site Staff; About Us; Sunday Services Hub;from the Colorado Springs PFLAG chapter will be carrying our banner and a few of our new SIGNS in the parade. PFLAG Colorado Springs February, 2015 National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Luncheon—March 10PFLAG Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward April 2017 APRIL PFLAG MEETING Tuesday April 18, 2017 7:00 p. Our May meeting will be a zoom discussion about Mental Health support by Sarah Banta of NAMI Colorado Springs. It employs 6-10 people and has $0M-$1M of revenue. For more information contact the organizers at [email protected]. m. PFLAG Vision Statement . edu PFLAG Membership October is the time to join PFLAG or renew your membership, if you have not already done so. PFLAG Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward 2019 is Our 25th Anniversary Year! March 2019 MARCH PFLAG MEETING Tuesday March 19, 2019 7:00 p. To receive this newsletter regularly, go to the website: . This was the fourth time since 2013 that a group of parents from Colorado Springs PFLAG has visited Spectrum. “From Selma to Stonewall— Are We there Yet?” Documentary Film 56 minutes. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. Colorado Springs Queer Collective : The Colorado Springs Queer Collective is a local community-based organization dedicated to fostering community leadership. TYES is a satellite program of PFLAG offering education and support to fami-lies with gender non-conforming chil-dren. Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! Facebook. Social time begins at 6:30 p. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. Get Pflag reviews, rating, hours, phone number, directions and more. PFLAG Vision Statement . PFLAG Vision Statement . Cookies Everyone is welcome. An Evening of Conversation and Small Group Discussions With Members of PFLAG The Dwelling Place 508 North Tejon StreetColorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 TransParenting Support Group TransParenting, a program of Inside Out Youth Services, is a monthly sup-port group for parents/caregivers of transgender and gender nonbinary children, 3rd Thursday of every month, 6:00— 7:30 p. PFLAG COS promotes the health and. Colorado Springs PFLAG was 25 in 2019 - Read the letter from one of our founders - Linda (Knutson) Crear. Join us! August 18 — Pueblo Pride — Colo-Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 TransParent Group The TransParent group for parents of gender variant and transgender youth is meeting virtually on Zoom on the third Thursday of the month from 6:00 — 7:30 p. An Evening of Conversation and Small Group Discussions With Members of PFLAG The Dwelling Place 508 North Tejon StreetOne Colorado The Dwelling Place 508 North Tejon Street Everyone is welcome. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. PFLAG provides support, education and advocacy for people who are LGBTQ+, their families, and allies. OCTOBER PFLAG MEETING Tuesday October 18, 2016 7:00 p. Online website: Dinner Celebrating 25th Anniversary of Colorado Springs PFLAG on September 21 Colorado Springs PFLAG will cele-Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. MAY PFLAG MEETING Tuesday May 19,2015 7:00 p. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. org. services to escape tyrannical, neglect-PFLAG Vision Statement. TYES information is available at PFLAG meetings. Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. The sponsorPrevious Post PFLAG Colorado Springs ; Next Post Inspiration, Week 18 ; Author Center for Spiritual Living, Colorado Springs. Summer Ice Cream Social Making Ice Cream With Dry Ice The Dwelling Place 508 North Tejon Street Everyone is welcome. The Dwelling Place, 508 North Tejon Street . to 3 p. The large billboard is located. One Colorado The Dwelling Place 508 North Tejon Street Everyone is welcome. Peak View Behavioral Health Assessment team : 719-444-8484 or . PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. PFLAG Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward May 2020 May PFLAG Meeting — We’re Going Online PFLAG Monthly Meeting By ZOOM Online Videoconference Tuesday, May 19th 7:00 p. Conversation and Support To attend the meeting, pleasePFLAG provides support, education and advocacy for people who are LGBTQ+, their families, and allies. TYES information is available at PFLAG meetings. Colorado Springs residents looking to honor the victims of the Club Q shooting are invited to attend Dragonfly Landing Family Services to. MST by Zoom. Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. at The Dwelling Place 508 N. The TYES program headquarters is in Boulder, Colorado. Present were Lori Vollmar, who was among the founders of the chapter, former chapter presi-Pride Colorado Springs PFLAG is marching in the June 1 parade. PFLAG Vision Statement . His recent book, Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church andMarch 17th 6:30pm - 9pm | PFLAG Colorado Springs. The organization that sup-ports the LGBTIQ community in Pueblo is the Southern ColoradoColorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are re-spected, valued and affirmed inclu-sive of their sexual orientation, gen-der identity and gender expression. Contact PPSP at (719)573 -7447. PFLAG – Club Q Colorado Springs Our next meeting will be in Person on Tuesday, June 20th at 7:00 pm. Go to: This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs chapter of PFLAG. Conversation and SupportColorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. Join us! August 18 — Pueblo Pride — Colo-JULY PFLAG MEETING Tuesday July 21, 2015 7:00 p. m. TYES is a satellite program of PFLAG offering education and support to fami-lies with gender non-conforming chil-dren. TYES information is available at PFLAG meetings. m. Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. The organization’s goal is to provide advocacy, networking opportunities, support, and education to. PFLAG Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward October 2020 LGBTQ History Project Records the Life Story of Robert Wingeard October PFLAG Meeting By Zoom Online Tuesday, October 20 7:00 p. Present were Lori Vollmar, who was among the founders of the chapter, former chapter presi-Colorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. July 13-14 — PrideFest Colorado Springs. com To receive your newsletter by e-mail, send a request to [email protected] Colorado Springs Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United With LGBT People to Move Equality Forward November 2019 PFLAG Board Members Attend National Convention Bill Oliver and Cheryl Prichard at-tended the “We Are the Change” Na-tional PFLAG Convention in Kansas City on October 25 -27, for three days of. org orColorado Springs PFLAG Page 2 This newsletter is published by the Colorado Springs Chapter of PFLAG. To contact the Colorado Springs TYES volunteers, call PFLAG at (719) 425-9567 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. 101 - 9 a. The billboard says: “Some - one you know is transgender. Staffed entirely by well-trained responders, the Hotline can be reached at 877 -360 -5428 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ClubQ-in-Colorado-Springs. m. org.