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com. 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE). Class 8 Vehicles Are Covered by My20 ELDMY20 adapter cable converts 6 pin ECM port to the My20 ELD 9 pin device. . If they do not provide UDR management, you should switch ELD providers immediately. If your truck has an OBDII or 6 Pin ECM port, you will need an adapter cable - sold separately. Drivewyze PreClear weigh station bypass, along with Drivewyze Safety+ can now both be activated on Konexial’s My20 ELD. Training and Knowing Your ELD. Both are in-stock ELDs that are ready to ship and help you meet ELD compliance. The rough road of ELD’s could intensify, due to ELD aftermath. My20 ELD goes beyond basic HOS logging compliance, and actually offers drivers the opportunity to earn more money,Fortunately, Konexial’s MY20 ELD is designed to revolutionize the trucking industry. Konexial My20 ELD Review. Order within 21 hrs 53 mins Select delivery location In Stock Qty: 1 Add to Cart Buy Now Payment Secure transaction Ships from Amazon Sold by Konexial Returns Eligible for Return, Refund or Replacement within 30 days of receipt Support My20 ELD by Konexial is the new standard for compliance and telematics excellence in the trucking industry. Cancellation requests must be made prior to the auto-renewal date and the ELD hardware if leased by Konexial must be returned. Two-way & Broadcast Messaging. This adapter cable fits most trucks with 9 pin ECM connector. Konexial | Compliant Technology Solutions for TruckersHe found My20 ELD by Konexial on Facebook and decided to call to find out more information. The My20 ELD team focuses on answering questions, customizing plans and features to. 1)—which uses next-generation telematics technology to automatically log a driver’s location, hours-of-service and available. ”However, various ELD requirements and compliance deadlines are still on the horizon, a fact that will continue to make 2018 and 2019 lively years for the trucking industry. Each year, around 40 to 50 billion empty miles are incurred by trucks, resulting in 1 billion hours lost and 100 billion dollars wasted. Sold by Konexial and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. And while we know you don’t want to wind up with a ticket from one of these early ELD enforcement states, you really don’t want to risk the repercussions of failing to meet ELD compliance by April 1, 2018. Konexial My20 ELD Review. Fleet managers and owners are able to see where drivers are fueling and optimize fuel savings for the future. If more than eight are submitted, the carrier must keep the first and last documents for that day, plus six. The My20 Locking System, developed through a partnership with Nokē, is secured by Nokē’s smart-locking hardware, dual-layered encryption keys, and controlled from Konexial’s My20 software. Green Light on ELD – Don’t Remove from the port; Remember ELD MUST BE connected to the My20 ELD App; Every Stop- Must “Change Status” Always see ORANGE circle BEFORE disconnecting; Talk with support staff 865-888-6920 ext. Guaranteed to work with MY20 ELD Hardware. My20 Cellular ELD Hardware. 2. Best Value in ELD Your business is important to us. However, believe it or not, the situation may get more bumpy from here, not less. Here are three questions to ask when choosing the right ELD for you: 1. $ 149. Overall Rating. Konexial is honored to be a FreightWaves Trusted Partner and to showcase the benefits of edge computing technology and our live supply chain™ ecosystem. Konexial offers services to help drivers improve their lives on and off the road. Great price at 25 a month. If you have an OBD-II or 6-pin ECM port, you can purchase an adapter that will make it possible for you to use the My20 ELD. Konexial | Compliant Technology Solutions for TruckersHere are some of the ways My20 can help reduce overall operational costs for your fleet: Implement Integrated Fleet Technologies With the increasing amount of technology available for fleets, implementing integrated. California’s proposed intrastate ELD mandate is in line with federal rules, with some exceptions to required ELD use: When a mostly short-haul driver is required to keep logs eight or fewer days. Konexial provides superb technology to the transportation industry through the PaaS (platform as a service) model featuring fleet management, video, and safety management, asset tracking. The rule also stands to force those drivers. 4/10 Ease of Use 9. Edge computing ELDs compute all HOS data. Read our. Since you already know how to use your smartphone, these types of ELDs are a piece of cake. GoFuel joins Konexial’s family of products and services, including: My20 ELD: Next-generation telematics technology automatically logs a driver’s location, hours-of-service and available capacity. The “i” is lowercase because WE are a team focused on serving others- not ourselves. Konexial Shipping: We offer standard (5-7 business days) and expedited (2-4 business days) shipping. The company was established in 2016 and now offers an ELD app and hardware that is adopted by over 10,000 truckers. Per FMCSA regulations, a motor carrier must keep both the ELD RODS data and a back up copy on a separate device for 6 months. My20 ELD presents UDRs in 2 different ways, either upon connecting to the ELD or when you finish Driving and change your status out of Driving. My20 ELD Description. Íoslódáil an PDF optamaithe chun tuilleadh a fhoghlaim faoin ELD seo agus a ghnéithe. According to FMCSA, though, there are a few specific exceptions to the rule: Drivers who operate under the short-haul exceptions may continue using time cards; they are not required to keep RODS and will not be required to use ELDs. 8. 99. The new version of Konexial’s My20 application —which uses next-generation telematics technology to automatically log a driver’s location, hours-of-service, and available capacity—is time zone agnostic, able to automatically recalculate hours to meet the new HOS rules, which go into effect at midnight on Sept. DALLAS — Drivewyze PreClear weigh station bypass, along with Drivewyze Safety+, can now both be activated on Konexial’s My20 ELD, according to a newsThe newest version of Konexial’s My20 application (My20 20. This is the perfect device for independent drivers who need to keep track of their information and have it readily available for DOT audits. While the FMCSA ELD mandate and hours of service regulations brought many black and white rules, it also brought several gray area exceptions. com Drivewyze and Konexial Partner to Bring Weigh Station Bypass and In-Cab Safety Alerts to My20 ELD Customers DALLAS, Sept. Verify it is connected on the ELD status page. My20 ELD combines simple, powerful, and productive features to create an all-in-one tool that not only streamlines every facet of the drive but has the ability to. Solutions. 99 for the 9-pin ECM plug-in hardware. My20 ELD and My20 Tower From Konexial. Konexial - Compliant Technology Solutions for TruckersThe ELD mandate deadline is quickly approaching, and many drivers are concerned about the learning curve that comes along with adopting an electronic logging device. The My20 ELD app is free to use for trucking-related information including, truck routing, POI maps, fuel, HOS management, and load information. 9 Customer Support 9. S T E P 3 : I n s ta l l y o u r My 2 0 E L D Turn ignition OFF and remove key prior to installing your ELD. Plus, Waze is fully compatible with Konexial’s MY20 ELD. Begin on the LOG screen. 254 [email protected]. This ELD buyers guide will provide you with 5 things to consider before transitioning from AOBRD to ELD. This means you can pair the free ELD app with the device and have a fully compliant solution. Many smartphone ELDs feature some sort of route mapping capability – this way, you can keep track of your hours and plan your routes all in one place. as part of your ELD information packet. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. If you need to move an ELD, notifiy My20 support before moving. 865-888-MY20 (6920). 10. Konexial’s My20 ELD family of solutions is now the ONLY telematics solution bringing innovative information to drivers and fleets. The MY20 TOWER stores records for 6 months. And if you are budget-conscious, you may be frustrated with some of the. <style>. Not only is. , Nov. This exemption runs until December 16, 2019. Vehicle Telematics, ADAS, Connected and Autonomous Vehicle — Drivewyze and Konexial partner to bring weigh station bypass and in-cab safety alerts to My20 ELD customers News • Apr 15, 2021 Yahoo News — Konexial Announces GoFind™ Advanced Trailer Tracking service for carriers with My20 Fleet Management SystemMY20 ELD HARDWARE 9-PIN CABLE with 4. To help combat this issue, the Department of Transportation issued a mandate that requires all. The app is easy to download and is very user-friendly. My20 ELD Hardware Konexial offers two electronic logging devices – My20 ELD and the My20 Cellular ELD. A few high level points of training are: How to Use My20 ELD App – ELD basics; Learning My20 Tower Dashboard ; Understanding Driver Reports and Daily Logs; Quarterly IFTA Reporting ; Invest in. “Rentals lasting 8 days or fewer are permanently exempt from the ELD mandate. This additional flexibility allows short-haul drivers the opportunity to expand their driving range and capacity. ELD Accessories Showing all 4 results Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to lowThe trucking capacity crisis of 2017 and 2018 is the result of an abundance of loads paired with a shortage of trucks (capacity) to ship those loads. 5 minutes per RODS (dropping from 6. My20 ELD Hardware Konexial offers two electronic logging devices – My20 ELD and the My20 Cellular ELD. 9 Customer Support 9. Whether you’re driving as an independent truck owner/operator or driving as part of a large fleet,. The Motive ELD is an easy-to-use electronic logging device (ELD) that keeps accurate. Some carriers might wonder why bother with an ELD in trucks because of the 150 air mile exemption expansion. + My20 ELD (Electronic Logging Device), Truck GPS Tracking, FMCSA Compliant, 9-pin J1939, 6-pin J1708, OBD-II Diagnostic Ports, Subscription Required. My20 ELD: Simple, Powerful, Productive. This product is intended forIn March 2019, Konexial released the 2019 version of its My20 Tower, providing Fleet Managers with real-time data on all trucks and drivers on the road, and using ELD data to enable dynamic load. Do not remove the ELD from the ECM port. Drivewyze PreClear, Safety+ can now be activated on Konexial’s My20 ELD customers. 99 The My20 ELD hardware is built with edge computing technology to provide reliable compliance for your fleet. Konexial offers. Partnering. Our ELD products are perfect for fleets of any size and are guaranteed to fit any driver’s needs. 99 plus $25/mo 8. If you have an OBD-II or 6-pin ECM port, you can purchase an adapter that will make it possible for you to use the. Owner-operators who only need the ELD and the app can likely stop here. 99 plus $25/mo 8. Route Mapping. My20 revolutionizes the ELD industry by providing compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) mandate, as well as providing an all-in-one tool that streamlines every facet of a truck driver’s job. Ken Evans, chief executive of Knoxville, Tennessee-based Konexial, said the company added the Spanish-language feature at the request of its carrier customers. $ 219. 4/10 Ease of Use 9. DriveLiFE™ App for My20 ELD DriveLiFE™ from Konexial is the best trucking app for drivers designed to help improve both the professional and personal lives of truck drivers. Get it by Saturday, Feb 18. Contáctenos directamente para más información sobre Konexial ELD. If you still are for the opinion that ELDs are too expensive for owner-operators, you have not heard about the Konexial My20 ELD. Confirm that the ELD is FMCSA-compliant. ELD mandate doesn’t require ELDs to measure rule sets within the device. Software and telematics technology provider Konexial recently launched a Spanish-language version of its electronic logging device (ELD) product, My20 ELD. The rough road leading up to the day of the ELD mandate is at an end. Purchased hardware does not need to be returned. You don’t need the My20 TOWER to log FMCSA-compliant logs. 5. Full Review Motive ELD Review. My20 ELD by Konexial is the new standard for compliance and telematics excellence in the trucking industry. GoFind™provides Konexial My20 Fleet users with access to advanced solar-powered GPS trailer tracking and sensing IoT devices to monitor and protect their assets and freight cargoes. With an overload of information, the authenticity of an actual customer testimonial or review is extremely important. You must purchase the My20 ELD subscription-based service to use the My20 ELD. Every year, nearly 4,000 large truck accidents end in fatality, and driver fatigue is one of the leading causes. “Konexial’s My20 is rated the #1 ELD for drivers and fulfills all FMCSA and CVSA compliance rules, automatically logging a driver’s location, hours-of-service and available capacity. Konexial is a Tennessee-based fleet management company and the provider of Konexial My20 ELD. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. Simply set a Service Reminder for things like oil changes, tire rotations and more and Fleetio will notify you when a vehicle is predicted to need service. My20 ELD is perfect for independent truck owners and operators who don’t want the hassle of dealing with features. My20 ELD by Konexial is a mobile cloud ecosystem that provides fleet management solutions and. GoLoad Dynamic Load Matching From Konexial. Please review the My20 ELD phone & tablet recommendations prior to purchasing this system. Jared, Ken, and Kristin discuss the My20 products and services and how the My20. Not only is the My20 ELD hardware designed with the driver in mind, Dave chose the My20 Tower which provides full transparency into his fleet. “My20 ELD is the new standard for. Konexial's GoFuel fuel discount program allow fleets of all sizes the savings they deserve right at the pump. As one of. Learn the basics of managing HOS and daily driver. For full compliance per FMCSA and DOT regulations, the use of the. $25/mo Everything Included in the My20 App plus: FMCSA Compliant ELD Logs Real-Time GPS Tracking Violation Alerts/RODS Visibility IFTA Reporting Fleet Management and Dashboard Reporting Easy to use HOS Exemption Statuses My20 ELD FLEET ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $40/mo Everything Included in My20 Tower Plus: Engine Diagnostics & Fault Codes MY20 Tower | Konexial LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT User * email User * Password * vpn_key Password * Log in Forgot password? Verification code We need to verify your identity by sending the verification code to ••• ••• ••ed Konexial Offers Free ELD Training for My20 ELD - Konexial Getting Started Follow the steps below to get started using your My20 ELD. At Konexial, our goal isn’t just to provide you with ELD compliance — we’re disrupting the logistics and supply chain industry with some of the most groundbreaking technology in trucking through affordable ELD solutions for fleets. The My20 ELD application has all the functionality an AG Hauler needs and wants to be compliant inside or outside the 150 air-mile circle and manage his AG fleet. With My20 ELD and My20 Tower, fleets of all sizes and vehicle types will be in compliance with the ELD mandate come April 1st. Safety is a top priority in the trucking industry, and we’ve got you covered. Complete Your New Driver & Carrier Sign Up Process Required ELD Documents 5 Tips for GREAT Logs My20 ELD Quick Start Guide Download My20 ELD Mobile App My20 User Names and Passwords My20 ELD Subscriptions My20 ELD Hardware Konexial offers two electronic logging devices – My20 ELD and the My20 Cellular ELD. Menu >> Settings >> ELD. Write a Review. Support can be reached at 865-888-6920 ext 2 or screen shot can be emailed to [email protected] running without e-logs will be cited for failure to comply with the ELD mandate. The Konexial support team recommends learning these 5 Tips for GREAT ELD Logs. ”. Add to cart. The provider of the system must test and certify to the FMCSA that the entire system meets the ELD design specifications. Eliminating this waste will reduce emissions and improve the profitability of carriers. Konexial | Compliant Technology Solutions for TruckersMy20 ELD by Konexial 23. Konexial’s stands at the forefront of all ELD solutions and this integration will only enhance their ability to offer a complete and comprehensive solution to the My20 customer base. Most Commonly Used ELD Exceptions. My20 ELD Hardware quantity. What is your budget? There’s one thing in particular that many drivers (and anyone in the trucking industry, for that matter) are concerned about with the adoption of the ELD mandate is the price. 2019, AOBRDs will be considered obsolete and all drivers will be required to use an approved. Many independent owner-operators and fleet managers actively use Konexial’s My20 ELD and the My20 ELD’s powerful features to manage their day and achieve compliance. woocommerce-product-gallery{ opacity: 1 !important; }</style>What You Should Know About ELD Exemptions & Compliance Deadline With the December 18th ELD Mandate compliance deadline less than a month away, many drivers still have questions about the rules and. , Nov. GoFuel and GoLoad transportation services are available to the entire trucking industry. Trailer Tracking;. My20 TOWER 3-month Subscription (Auto renew subscription only- ELD Hardware NOT Included) My20 Tower subscription is $25 per month. HOW TO TRANSFER RODS IMPORTANT: The MY20 app saves 8 days of log history. 0/10 Installation My20 ELD features: Log Auditing, GPS Tracking, Fuel Information, Time, Messaging, Reports, My20 Rewards, Maps AND Real-Time Dynamic Load Matching. right corner and select “Logout”, (page 11 in Driver’s ELD Manual) 15. 1. WHAT'S INCLUDED IN YOUR BOX: 1- Electronic Logging Device - ELD, 1- Standard 9-pin (J1939) ECM connector -built into device. Not only is. The My20 ELD round 9-pin unit is designed to fit a 9-pin ECM port. Add to cart. . Luckily, the idea that ELDs are extremely costly is completely false. . “My20 ELD is the new standard for telematics products in fleets of all sizes at a price point that is half as much as older, obsolete telematics devices. Always leave the ELD plugged in. 1). 2017 was a lively year for ELD mandate news — you might even call it “ The Year of the ELD. Page 7 STEP 3: INSTALL YOUR MY20 ELD YOUR IGNITION MUST BE PRIOR TO INSTALLING YOUR ELD DEVICE. com and buy My20 ELD (great for owner-operators) and My20 Tower (an ELD that’s perfect for fleets). The My20 Tower is the best option from Konexial for fleets of 2 trucks or more. 2. They can still take advantage of “off-duty” status utilizing the HOS short-haul exception. . com OR Doug Johnson, (780)-461-3355 Ext. Panduan ini memberikan petunjuk terperinci tentang cara menggunakan ELD yang sesuai dengan FMCSA, SmartguniteELD, untuk manajemen armada. 1. Well, this is one of the leading ELD providers offering their ELD equipment on hire purchase. Konexial - My20 TowerMy20 ELD’s edge computing technology is designed to exceed FMCSA ELD mandate requirements and provide fleets with premium 5G ELD coverage and compliance. My20 ELD by Konexial is the new standard for compliance and telematics excellence in the trucking industry. GoFuel, Konexial’s partnered diesel fuel discount program is available to all My20 users. The My20 ELD app is free to use for trucking-related information including,. 1 Check for a GREEN light on the ELD. Speak with a My20 ELD support or sales representative.