Dungeon Drop. Idealized Soothsayer's Armlets Undyed. 모험가를 위한 환상의 옷장Hypostatic Cloak of Healing ⬤ Ink Blue glamours using this piece. glamours using this piece. Thavnairian Armlets ⬤ Pure White glamours using this piece. Abyssos Surcoat of Healing. glamours using this. Izayoi. glamours using this piece. Just a glam made out of the healer top from the new alliance raid. Item Lv:620 / 装備 Lv:90. glamours using this piece. glamours using this piece. 6. 28. 8. Hypostatic Bottoms of Healing 620. 14. Idealized Soothsayer's Armlets Undyed. ⬤ Metallic Sky Blue. Hypostatic Visor of Healing 620. The Hypostatic gear is a reward for completing the Euphrosyne raid, which is the second leg of the Myths of The Realm raid series introduced in 6. Loyal Housemaid's Wristdresses ⬤ Metallic Sky Blue glamours using this piece. glamours using this piece. White. 907 . Moonward Armlets of Healing ⬤ Pure White. PVP Gear. Please link back to this mod / credit me if you distribute it!On this page you can find all the details about the rewards you can find in the patch 6. Virtu Welkin Half Sleeves ⬤ Pure White. Zone Coordinates Level range Euphrosyne: Unknown: 90 Quests. 3 Level 90 Alliance Raid, Euphrosyne as part of the Myths of the Realm in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker (FFXIV). Copy to clipboard failed. Texture edits to give the gems more glow and putting more. Hypostatic Armlets of Healing. Pages in category "Hypostatic Cloak of Healing in Gear Set" This category contains only the following page. 装備クラス: VIT:+306 / MND:+318 / クリティカル:+268 / 意思力:+188 / マテリアスロット:. Tooltip code copied to clipboard. glamours using this piece. Hypostatic Cloak of Healing ⬤ Snow White glamours using this piece. Menphina's Earring. Hypostatic Armlets of Healing Undyed. Asphodelos Cane. 605. glamours using this piece. Academic's Coat. 3 업데이트에서 만나볼 수 있는 민소매 의상입니다. 458. ⬤ Metallic Yellow. 9th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon. Magic Defense. Eikon Cloth Culottes of Healing ⬤ Pearl White glamours using this piece. Idealized Soothsayer's Skirt Undyed. 3. For the deity lore page, see Menphina. Blue. glamours using this piece. Hypostatic Cloak of Healing ⬤ Gunmetal Black glamours using this piece. Idealized Ebers ThighbootsHypostatic Cloak of Healing ⬤ Void Blue glamours using this piece. Details: The gemstones glow lightly in darker lighting. [db:item=17763d67b33]Hypostatic Tunic of Aiming[/db:item] Copy Tooltip Code to Clipboard. Will require gen 3 material or compatible to work. Limbo Ring of Healing. 1. Advertisement. Lunar Envoy's Boots of Healing 620. Black Triteleia Earring. you need to be logged in to save as favorite. 3/Armor. ⬤ Shadow Blue. As of patch 6. glamours using this piece. png. 디테일. glamours using this piece. Filtered to show items with bonuses to one or more of the following: Mind, Spell Speed, Piety, Direct Hit Rate, Determination, Critical Hit. 다만 독특하게도, 자수로 장식한 화려한 차이나카라. ( URANUS ) Hypostatic Healing and Casting Edit Upscale. Item#39120. Augmented Rinascita Ring of Healing 620. Obsolete Android's Wristdress of Healing ⬤ Ice Blue glamours using this piece. HP. Hypostatic Cloak of Healing ⬤ Pure White glamours using this piece. Idealized Ebers Thighboots Undyed. 전체적인 디자인이 신전 타격대 흉갑과 유사하지만, 허리를 타고 내려오는 드레이프 된 천의 유무로 외관적인 디자인에 차이가 있습니다. Edengate Ring of Healing. 619 . Almasty Serge Coat of Casting. So here we are!! LOL. 알림 뒤로 뒤로. Model-Anabaseios Cloak of Aiming-Male-Hyur. Weathered Soothsayer's Sandals Undyed. Moonward Armlets of Healing ⬤ Ice Blue. Lv. Classical Torquetum Undyed Optional piece. [ Public Mod Permalink ] Info. Augmented Hailstorm Boots of Healing. Savage Aim Materia X Critical Hit +36. Super thanks to TenshiHaru for making the chest upscale!In order to obtain Hypostatic Gear, you need to defeat the various bosses of the level 90 Euphrosyne raid, made accessible after completing the quest “Return to the Phantom Realm. 4. Advertisement. ♥Deletes the Armor and upscales it to TBSE-X for Highlander and Midlander based bodys. png. The above tooltip code may be used when posting comments in the Eorzea Database, creating blog entries, or accessing the Event & Party Recruitment page. glamours using this piece. Hypostatic Cloak of Healing 620. you need to be logged in to love. glamours using this piece. ·c‘›S ›Ù2YüÜ–çbš›2S ÇhŽ,dÐ ÙèŽô¿ ï_h/÷ [ôxCÝ ß·;¾ aN?¸ù& ®´$äv ôÀ. Blue. Hypostatic Cloak of Healing ⬤ Dark Blue glamours using this piece. you need to be logged in to save as favorite. Plain Long Skirt ⬤ Shadow Blue glamours using this piece. Hypostatic Armlets of Healing 620. 458. glamours using this piece. Panthean Armguards of Healing. you need to be logged in to save as favorite. Fitted around Titan Large, with the armlets getting a slimmer arm ring to please my personal taste. Ravel Keeper's Halfgloves of Healing ⬤ Metallic Sky Blue glamours using this piece. Hypostatic Bottoms of Healing. Hypostatic Cloak of Healing Undyed. When used, a tooltip* will be displayed in. Hypostatic Cloak of Healing ⬤ Ruby Red glamours using this piece. Hypostatic Cloak of Healing. 2 Updates: - Add Velention Event Gear : Valentione Emissary's Female Set. HP. Deepshadow Greaves of Healing Undyed. Blue. you need to be logged in to love. Allegiance Coat. Augmented Rinascita Armguards of Scouting. 모험가를 위한 환상의 옷장The Cloak of Healing is a craftable pre-Hardmode accessory. you need to be logged in to love. glamours using this piece. Undyed. 52. Here's some ports I did before I got sick above tooltip code may be used when posting comments in the Eorzea Database, creating blog entries, or accessing the Event & Party Recruitment page. 68 Equipment Hypostatic Visor of Casting glamours using this piece Hypostatic Cloak of Casting glamours using this piece Hypostatic Armlets of Casting glamours using this piece Hypostatic Bottoms of Casting. Become a patron to remove ads. Hypostatic Cloak of Healing ⬤ Ink Blue glamours using this piece. Item Level 640. 다만 독특하게도, 자수로 장식한 화려한 차이나카라. 신전 유격대 가림두건 잎 장식에 비해서는 단조로운 편이지만, 오히려 그런 점이 귀여운 포인트가 됩니다. Ravel Keeper's Halfgloves of Healing ⬤ Void Blue glamours using this piece. glamours using this piece. glamours using this piece. History. glamours using this piece. Rinascita Sabatons TBSE-X. glamours using this piece. 3 업데이트에서 만나볼 수 있는 민소매 의상입니다. Hypostatic Cloak of Healing Undyed. Tooltip code copied to clipboard. Mashed Items: Hypostatic Cloak of Healing Mashed, Edengate Jacket of. 3 업데이트 기쁨의 신역 에우프로시네에서 만나볼 수 있는 상의입니다. ”. Milpreves of the Round Undyed. Direct Hit Rate. Body. Wings of Divine Light Undyed Optional piece. Panthean Skirt of Healing ⬤ Ice Blue. Thyrus Ultima Undyed. glamours using this piece. ☆ One size, Bibo+ Perky Medium, will include other Perky sizes upon request. To see all items in this category look at Category:Body/iLevel 620-629. glamours using this piece. Matte Replica Blade's Mercy Undyed. glamours using. 왼쪽 어깨에 가시처럼 꽂힌 조각부터 시작하여 옷 곳곳을 장식하는 수정들이 은은하게 빛나며 공예품 같은 인상을 줍니다. A revealing version of the new raid's hypostatic cloak (for healer and caster). Didact's Visor Undyed. glamours using this piece. View the original Mod page. Hypostatic Cloak of Healing in Gear Set; Hypostatic Visor of Healing in Gear Set; Hypostatic Armlets of Healing in Gear Set; Hypostatic Bottoms of Healing in Gear Set; Hypostatic. Grand Company. Description. Limbo Trousers of Healing Undyed. 9. - Mark 1:42; Second, healings were complete. Mind. Oracle Pantalettes Undyed.