As a Potterhead, you may want to discover your Patronus so that you will know how it feels like to be one of the characters in Harry Potter. Of course, the best. Your patronus is basically the closest thing the HP. Dislike. How to get an Occamy Patronus in Pottermore - Quora. • Often have a creative side. • Protective of their friends. This video was made for those poor folks who for an occamy patronus on pottermore and unfortunately lost their account. K. Snowy Owl is protective and fearless. However, other than Hedwig, no other Snowy Owls are seen in the Harry Potter series. Velmeran • 7 yr. It is primarily used to fend off Dementors. Wait a moment and try again. It is always fun to talk about Patronus. Quite honestly there are so many animals and so many interpretations as to what they all might mean, so really you should probably ask yourself what an occamy represents to you. A Patronus can take on a non-corporeal form where it appears as a silver mist, but it can also take on a corporeal form. Unicorn. You’ll put in the time and effort needed in order to get it and keep it. Your Patronus will come for you when you are at your lowest to remind you that you are strong and capable enough to surmount the odds and make. Occamy (very rare) You have made adaptability into an art. #HarryPotter #RarePatronus #Pottermore #WizardingworldHow to get Hippogriff Patronus on WizardingWorld. Below, we’ve compiled a complete Patronus list, so you can see all the options on the quiz. I'm here to help you reclaim your pat. Granian Winged Horse. Runespoor. The good news is that there is a quiz originally published on Pottermore where you can find out what Patronus belongs. 3. Once you've answered enough questions, you get your Patronus. • Very thoughtful. ago Occamy's are so cool! I think it's visually my favorite patronus, the way it glides through the sky is beautiful. • Often reflect on previous events and profound ideas. Now, each of these questions come from a pre-determined question set. Occamy. What does an “occamy patronus” mean? - Quora. I got one, had to look it up when I got it though as I was pretty confused. What does this mean? If you could cast a patronus charm, it would manifest as an occamy. Something went wrong. Rowling’s Patronus is, it’s a heron! It's a heron :). I got a Occamy patronus. Hippogriff. What does this mean? If you could cast a patronus charm, it would manifest as an occamy. Fire-Dwelling Salamander. Traits of someone with an Occamy. A Snowy Owl is one possible rare corporeal form of Patronus charm. Black and White Cat Red SquirrelWhat does an “occamy patronus” mean? - Quora. From the Abraxan Winged Horse to the Albatross, what are the rarest Patronus from Harry Potter's wizarding world? What patronus would you have from Harry Potter's wizarding world? ColliderI've spent hours taking this trying to get an Abraxan Winged Horse to no avail, but I have found: 3 Unicorns: 2 of them were: Glow, Bone, Preen, Who, Spirit, Sharp, Eternal one was: Glow, Bright, Preen, Who, Spirit,. It is ranked as 115th most common Patronus. Three known Snowy Owls are Hedwig, Brodwin, and Temeritus Shank’s owl. Am I correct in the assumption that the Occamy is what makes the S in the Fantastic. For example, the first question set contains 5 questions, each having three. There are a ton of spells in the game that you may use, and your Patronus is the product of the Patronus Charm, a defensive spell that creates a silver animal. com aka PottermoreYou can consider this video(to Get Occamy as Your Patronus. You’ll get 2 chances for each set. Quite honestly there are so many animals and so many. I got a Occamy patronus. Something went wrong. And if you’re curious about what J. The Patronus is a form of advanced magic, first seen in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, where Professor Lupin taught Harry Potter the spell. Leaving the question two times in a row will restart the quiz. In this case, you'll get 7 Questions as Occamy is a Very Rare Patronus. 2. . ago I got one, had to look it up when I got it. So here's your chance to reverse your bad luck and get a rare patronus today! You are guaranteed either a dragon, unicorn, thestral, hippogriff, or another. • Adaptive to new. • Have a pure soul. Thestral. Explanation of the Patronus Quiz. Wait a moment and try again. This animal is your patronus. The ability to move into a space and take it over is legendary. . While other characters in the Harry Potter series have different animals as their patronus, you can see that Harry’s is a stag. Something went wrong. I love going in and just watching it sail around the screen. And there you have it, every single Patronus in Wizarding World including the best ones. 15 comments Best DrippingAlchemy • 7 yr.