Horry county municode. Except as otherwise provided for in subsection (f) herein and/or in section 10-19 of the Horry County Code of Ordinances, an owner, agent, occupant or lessee shall keep property within any platted major residential subdivision, free of litter and unsightly growth, as defined herein. Horry county municode

Except as otherwise provided for in subsection (f) herein and/or in section 10-19 of the Horry County Code of Ordinances, an owner, agent, occupant or lessee shall keep property within any platted major residential subdivision, free of litter and unsightly growth, as defined hereinHorry county municode  -

CODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 3 - AIRPORTS;. (a) Whenever the market value estimate of assessed value of any property is fixed by the county tax assessor at a sum greater by one hundred dollars ($100. 78) View what's changed 2020 2019 Ordinances for Horry County, SC Code of Ordinances 31 ordinances Please use the table of contents pane to navigate to the ordinance you're looking for. 5-179—12. 7-1. 54-2020, § 1, 7-14-20 )Terms shall be in accordance to Chapter 2, Article VI, Division 1 of the Horry County Code of Ordinances. 1) Site design. gov (843) 915-5090 (843) 915-6090 1301 Second Avenue Ste. 2. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 3 - AIRPORTS; Chapter 4 - ANIMALS AND FOWL; Chapter 5 - BEACHES; Chapter 6 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; Chapter 6. Highway No. 1000. - large animal management; article iii. (Supp. 5 -. The time and place of the public hearing will be duly advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the County at least 30 days before the hearing. 54 Acres of Land in Conway Township, Horry. CODE OF ORDINANCES County of HORRY, SOUTH CAROLINA Codified through Ordinance No. County Laws/Code of Ordinances; Court Rosters and Dockets; Detention Center Bookings & Releases; Land Records; Public Index; Deed Search; Sex Offender Registration &. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 3 - AIRPORTS; Chapter 4 - ANIMALS AND FOWL; Chapter 5 - BEACHES; Chapter 6 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; Chapter 6. No. 5 -. (Ord. (2)1) Site design. C. The time and place of the public hearing will be duly advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the County at least 30 days before the hearing. (Ord. 46 of division 2 of article ill of chapter 17. The Horry County Council may amend these regulations after a public hearing and three readings of County Council. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 3 - AIRPORTS; Chapter 4 - ANIMALS AND FOWL; Chapter 5 - BEACHES; Chapter 6 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; Chapter 6. CODE OF ORDINANCES County of HORRY, SOUTH CAROLINA Codified through Ordinance No. 00). These members provided invaluable assistance, ideas, insights, and guidance throughout the process undertaken to develop the attached regulations. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 3 - AIRPORTS;. 2. CODE OF ORDINANCES County of HORRY, SOUTH CAROLINA Codified through Ordinance No. Sec. 54 Acres of Land in Conway Township, Horry. Chapter 13 - OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS | Code of Ordinances | Horry County, SC | Municode Library Secs. The county administrator or the designated representative of the county administrator shall devise a system of notification that provides notice to any party seeking to camp at a public boat landing or other property open to the general public owned by Horry County regarding the restrictions for such camping. 16-12, § 1, 5-1-12). Except as herein provided, no lot shall be created which does not have at least fifty (50) feet of frontage on a street, except: 1) That lots fronting on a cul-de-sac may have a minimum road frontage of. Terms shall be in accordance to Chapter 2, Article VI, Division 1 of the Horry County Code of Ordinances. 54-2020, § 1, 7-14-20 )This regulation is issued by the Horry County Department of Procurement and is designed to govern the procurement and procurement management of personal property, services, and imThere shall be made available to the Horry County departments, offices, sections, or divisions listed below an Ordinance Summons that complies with the requirements of S. No. C. C. 5 -. 82-2022, adopted August 16, 2022. That the Code of Ordinances, consisting of Chapters 1 to 19, each inclusive, is hereby adopted and enacted as the "Code of Ordinances, Horry County, South Carolina," and shall be treated and considered as a new and original comprehensive ordinance which shall supersede all other general and permanent ordinances of the County passed on or. Sec. 65-98, 8-4-98) Sec. If Horry County conducts diligent market research, carefully drafts its specifications according to the guidance provided in Chapter Five of this regulation, and chooses an appropriate type of contract, including the fundamental contract element options, as set forth in Chapter Six of this regulation, Horry County should be in a good position to satisfy the. Ranges offering only CWP are exempt from the permitting requirements of Chapter 13, Article IX of the Horry County Code of Ordinances. Except as otherwise provided for in subsection (f) herein and/or in section 10-19 of the Horry County Code of Ordinances, an owner, agent, occupant or lessee shall keep property within any platted major residential subdivision, free of litter and unsightly growth, as defined herein. 1) Site design. (a) Purpose. Except as otherwise provided for in subsection (f) herein and/or in section 10-19 of the Horry County Code of Ordinances, an owner, agent, occupant or lessee shall keep property within any platted major residential subdivision, free of litter and unsightly growth, as defined herein. 128-2022. (2) Equitable distribution of calls to persons providing wrecker service to accommodate requests by Horry County government. ARTICLE I. , S. § 56-7-80 (S. No. No. No. 2010 Population: 269,291 2010 Population Density: 237. 5-52. ANIMALS AND FOWL Chapter 5. Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION. - Long-range comprehensive plan. - Tier Three, non-required source of supply transactions not exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000. Sec. 10 in its entirety, and enacted new provisions therefore. code of ordinances of horry county, south carolina; supplement history table modified; chapter 1 - general provisions; chapter 2 - administration; chapter 3 - airports; chapter 4 - animals and fowl. (Ord. Code Regulations 72-300 through 72-316. "Major residential subdivision" shall mean a large-scale. (Ord. - REGULATION OF CERTAIN ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES AT PUBLIC BOAT LANDINGSCODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 3 - AIRPORTS; Chapter 4 - ANIMALS AND FOWL; Chapter 5 - BEACHES; Chapter 6 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; Chapter 6. 4-2. 82-2022, adopted August 16, 2022. Counties & Cities of South Carolina » Code of Federal Regulations » Horry County CODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 -. 46 of division 2 of article ill of chapter 17. 16-12, § 1, 5-1-12). Organization requirements for the HPC are established in the South Carolina Code of Laws, § 6-29-870 and the Horry County Code of Ordinances, § 2-73, Article VI, Division I, Boards, Commissions, Committees and Agencies. (Ord. The time and place of the public hearing will be duly advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the County at least 30 days before the hearing. , of fireworks prohibited. (a) Whenever the market value estimate of assessed value of any property is fixed by the county tax assessor at a sum greater by one hundred dollars ($100. 5 -. 3) CWP range operators are required to have a CWP instructor. - zoning; article iii. (2)Code of OrdinancesSupplement 78Online content updated on December 22, 2022. C. MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing!MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing!Terms shall be in accordance to Chapter 2, Article VI, Division 1 of the Horry County Code of Ordinances. All other non-conflicting provisions contained in sections 13-31 through 13-35 of the Horry County Code of Ordinances apply herewith to motion picture and film production unless otherwise waived in advance by the Horry County Administer or his/her designee. (Ord. 16-12, § 1, 5-1-12). Terms of Office. The following described property shall hereafter be known as the Horry County Industrial Park: All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being on both sides of U. 7-1. - SMALL ANIMAL MANAGEMENT. S. 4-1. 54 Acres of Land in Conway Township, Horry. (Supp. Ranges offering only CWP are exempt from the permitting requirements of Chapter 13, Article IX of the Horry County Code of Ordinances. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 3 - AIRPORTS; Chapter 4 - ANIMALS AND FOWL; Chapter 5 - BEACHES; Chapter 6 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; Chapter 6. 11-93, § 1, 3-4-93; Ord. 10-3-4. - Establishment of Zoning Board of Appeals. GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 2. - Shelter established. 17. Ranges offering only CWP are exempt from the permitting requirements of Chapter 13, Article IX of the Horry County Code of Ordinances. version: Dec 22, 2022 (current) CODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH. 1D09 Conway, SC 29526 1301 Second Avenue 8am–5pm. No. (Ord. - Probate court fees. ARTICLE V. 12. "Major residential subdivision" shall mean a large-scale. 2019 Ordinances for Horry County, SC Code of Ordinances 31 ordinances Please use the table of contents pane to navigate to the ordinance you're looking for. The following described property shall hereafter be known as the Horry County Industrial Park: All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being on both sides of U. S. "Major residential subdivision" shall mean a large-scale. 16-12, § 1, 5-1-12). Each counts as one (1) standard: a) Twenty (20) percent of the gross acreage shall remain in a natural vegetated state post-development and owned in common. "Major residential subdivision" shall mean a large-scale. - Miscellaneous. (2) Equitable distribution of calls to persons providing wrecker service to accommodate requests by Horry County government. - REGULATION OF CERTAIN ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES AT PUBLIC BOAT LANDINGSCODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 3 - AIRPORTS; Chapter 4 - ANIMALS AND FOWL; Chapter 5 - BEACHES; Chapter 6 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; Chapter 6. (4) Meetings. "Major residential subdivision" shall mean a large-scale. Chapter 18 - LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. Organization requirements for the HPC are established in the South Carolina Code of Laws, § 6-29-870 and the Horry County Code of Ordinances, § 2-73, Article VI, Division I, Boards, Commissions, Committees and Agencies. Except as otherwise provided for in subsection (f) herein and/or in section 10-19 of the Horry County Code of Ordinances, an owner, agent, occupant or lessee shall keep property within any platted major residential subdivision, free of litter and unsightly growth, as defined herein. 1) Site design. - Discharge, use, ignition, etc. Ranges offering only CWP are exempt from the permitting requirements of Chapter 13, Article IX of the Horry County Code of Ordinances. ARTICLE I. Except as otherwise provided for in subsection (f) herein and/or in section 10-19 of the Horry County Code of Ordinances, an owner, agent, occupant or lessee shall keep property within any platted major residential subdivision, free of litter and unsightly growth, as defined herein. Horry County option —Horry County may, in any instance in which it deems it in the county's best interest, override or modify the. 9) When a shared private driveway easement is utilized for access, the required setback shall. code of ordinances of horry county, south carolina; supplement history table modified; chapter 1 - general provisions; chapter 2 - administration; chapter 3 - airports; chapter 4 - animals and fowl. Horry County option —Horry County may, in any instance in which it deems it in the county's best interest, override or modify the. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 3 - AIRPORTS; Chapter 4 - ANIMALS AND FOWL; Chapter 5 - BEACHES; Chapter 6 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; Chapter 6. (Ord. Code Ann. Sec. In addition to the powers and duties prescribed in section 12-18, the board shall: (1) Provide and make available to the residents of the county books and library materials and in the fulfillment of this function shall establish a headquarters library and may establish branches and subdivisions thereof in appropriate geographical areas of the county within the limits. No. (Ord. "Major residential subdivision" shall mean a large-scale. The purpose of this article is to provide adequate control over wrecker service operations within the unincorporated sections of Horry County to ensure: (1) The general health, safety, and welfare of the public. 5 -. Said ranges shall be designed in accordance with 1207. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 3 - AIRPORTS; Chapter 4 - ANIMALS AND FOWL; Chapter 5 - BEACHES; Chapter 6 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; Chapter 6. code of ordinances of horry county, south carolina; supplement history table modified; chapter 1 - general provisions; chapter 2 - administration; chapter 3 - airports. - Discharge, use, ignition, etc. Highway No. 15-1. 5 -. No. 915. 10-3—10-12. S. To establish a policy and procedure governing public works support expenses incurred in support of other public county departments, tax districts, and other public entities. 128-2022. Chapter 5 - BEACHES. SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION. 13-37—13-40. The following described property shall hereafter be known as the Horry County Industrial Park: All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being on both sides of U. Meetings shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days of the date on which a request for appeal is received. Said ranges shall be designed in accordance with 1207. (Supp. "Major residential subdivision" shall mean a large-scale. No. Sec. 3. 54-2020, § 1, 7-14-20 )CODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 3 - AIRPORTS; Chapter 4 - ANIMALS AND FOWL; Chapter 5 - BEACHES; Chapter 6 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; Chapter 6. Horry County, South Carolina - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 14 - PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS; ARTICLE I. The seal of Horry County or of the Horry County Council shall not be required upon execution or attestation of any document. Other ordinances, such as the Airport Height Standards and the Horry County Parking Ordinance, may exercise some control over height. (Ord. The Horry County Council may amend these regulations after a public hearing and three readings of County Council. Alternatively, use the application-wide search box to search. Chapter 6. ARTICLE I. 78)Except as otherwise provided for in subsection (f) herein and/or in section 10-19 of the Horry County Code of Ordinances, an owner, agent, occupant or lessee shall keep property within any platted major residential subdivision, free of litter and unsightly growth, as defined herein. Highway No. 16-12, § 1, 5-1-12). - Penalty for violations of article. "Major residential subdivision" shall mean a large-scale. Plans and specifications shall be submitted to the planning department for review. Sec. 16-12, § 1, 5-1-12). Chapter 6 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS. All provisions of the flood damage prevention ordinance of Horry County enacted on May 5, 1987, as amended, which are. -. This increase is in addition to the buffer and landscape requirements in section 527, and any existing wetlands, marshes, swamps, lakes or ponds. Horry County, South Carolina - Code of Ordinances. No. It shall be unlawful for any person to use, fire. Said ranges shall be designed in accordance with 1207. GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 2. Sec. This article delineates the duties and responsibilities related only to the enforcement of Section 10 of the Horry County Ordinances. No. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF HORRY COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 3 - AIRPORTS; Chapter 4 - ANIMALS AND FOWL; Chapter 5 - BEACHES; Chapter 6 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; Chapter 6. - Shelter established. - GENERAL PROVISIONS. There shall be made available to the Horry County departments, offices, sections, or divisions listed below an Ordinance Summons that complies with the requirements of S. - IN GENERAL; DIVISION 4. 13-37—13-40.