Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. Looking around, he saw his sleeping bag on. I have posted my main story: The Journey of Red and Blue with hope that people will enjoy my fic. By: Heracross0122 High off his victory in the Orange League, Ash sets off for a new region to compete with his best buddy Pikachu & girlfriend Serena as she works towards her. Arching her back in one movement, she blinked awake and glanced around her room. Word Count: 956,169. Aura. By: Heracross0122 Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. None Cannon Pokemon. None Cannon Pokemon. Ash aspires to be a Pokemon Master, James ends up wanting to breed pokemon, and Serena is a girl without a dream. (Amourshipping, chapters based off episodes from the diamond and pearl anime, sequel to SIS: Wallace Cup). (Sequel to, Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc. Aura. After his run at the Indigo League Ash sets off on his second journey with best buddy Pikachu; girlfriend Serena and brother Drake as he has a go at conquering the Orange League. Favorite Authors 1. Blue Glass Spear is a fanfiction author that has written 14 stories for Winx Club, Ben 10, Pokémon, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Overlord/オーバーロード, Evangelion, Familiar of Zero, Kingdom Hearts, Fate/stay night, and Touhou Project. (Amourshipping, chapters based off episodes from the diamond and pearl anime, sequel to SIS: Wallace. By: Heracross0122 Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. High off his victory in the Orange League, Ash sets off for a new region to compete with his best buddy Pikachu & girlfriend Serena as she works towards her new goal but what dark secrets are around the corner? (Sequel: Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto & Orange Islands Arc. After his run at the Indigo League Ash sets off on his second journey with best buddy Pikachu; girlfriend Serena and brother Drake as he has a go at conquering the Orange League. Journey of a Pokemon Master: Orange Islands Arc (Book 2) by Heracross0122 reviews. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. Aura. Joined 04-13-23, id: 15808379. sft3830 is a fanfiction author that has written 1 stories for Simpsons. Entertaining characters and a compelling plot thus far. Stopping for a moment, his mind was running over his journey so far, and he came to the point where he reunited with Serena. The same spot where he reunited with Serena a few days back. By: Heracross0122 Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. By: Heracross0122. Think of this as a sort of remake. By: Heracross0122 Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. Drake is talking with his Cubone while Misty is cuddling her Poliwag, Togepi is spending time with his Uncle Pikachu while Serena is reading a magazine about Pokemon Contests she picked up before they departed. I): As soon as the battle began, Misdreavus began floating around the field, in a varied and erratic manner. Author has written 2 stories for Naruto, and Dragon Ball Super. (Sequel to, Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc. 2020-2-2 · Follow/Fav Journey of a Pokemon Master: Orange Islands Arc. Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc by Heracross0122 reviews. (Sequel to, Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc. English 0 Views; 649. This one change was enough to throw the gym leader and. Btw if you like Road to Become a Pokemon Master(still sad that the author dropped it) you should read Journey of a Pokemon Master by Heracross0122 Reply cricktlaxwolvesbandy •SIS: Diamond & Pearl Adventures by Heracross0122 reviews. (Sequel to, Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. Aura. Rajaram, saptarshiban2003, coldblizzard, Guest, and Heracross0122 for your feedback. Complete. By: Heracross0122 Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc (Book 1) by Heracross0122 reviews Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. (Sequel to, Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc. After reuniting at the Wallace Cup, Serena joins the gang as they continue their travels around Sinnoh, as Ash aims for the Sinnoh League, and Dawn aims for the grand festival. For the Amphibia characters inspired Disneydude94, Cowboy Alchemist, Kevintoons915, Amano404, aggiefrogger, artrooder, and acaciassmith1000. Chapter 2: Chim Charred. Incidentally, she found a Poochyena lying on the ground, licking his paw. Serena smiled as she watched Ash and Gary get into a battle on the far side of the campsite. Her hand tightly gripped a Pokéball as she nervously looked over the crystal-clear water. /Satoshi, Lorelei/Canna, Charizard/Lizardon, Raichu - Complete. (Sequel to, Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc. Author: Forever United Never We Fall. Slightly sore from the spike he was leaned up against. First published Mar 10, 2022. Carla Nepster is a fanfiction author that has written 6 stories for Hyperdimension Neptunia, Pokémon, Mega Man, Super Sentai, Bakugan Battle Brawlers, My Little Pony, Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no. Journey of a Pokemon Master: Orange Islands Arc by Heracross0122 reviews. We get to meet the first of the beasts of Johto and we also get some information on the climax to the first half of this region, which just so happens to be the trial for Serena as one of the chosen, just like how Shamouti was Ash's trial. (Sequel to, Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsSIS: Diamond & Pearl Adventures by Heracross0122 reviews. Amourshipping. By: Heracross0122 Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. The back and forth between Skarmory against the combination of Pikachu and Gligar was slowly becoming a losing battle for the duo. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. After his run at the Indigo League Ash sets off on his second journey with best buddy Pikachu; girlfriend Serena and brother Drake as he has a go at conquering the Orange League. Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc by Heracross0122 reviews Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. After a night of suffering, Latios was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for Alto Mare, for his sister. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. Journey of a Pokemon Master: Orange Islands Arc by Heracross0122 reviews. Journey through hoenn reviews. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. Early in the morning Ash woke up in a bed, with Serena's arms wrapped around him, and her head on his chest. Meeting new friends, catching and raising new Pokemon and having the Adventures of their lives. As Dawn continued to feel insecure about her contest skills, even while her friends showered her with encouragement, she still managed to emerge successfully from the first round of the prestige's Wallace Cup. Ash smiled as he took a big bite out of his lunch, a cheeseburger with fries. 1. I've enjoyed Shadow Over Kanto from fourwhitetrees. The image of one of the Pokémon, the skinny-feathery one, kicking and attacking her at the front of her head. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. What happens when an early appearance of his crush causes trouble with an old friend?Journey of a Pokemon Master series by Heracross0122. Author has written 2 stories for Fire Emblem, and Hyperdimension Neptunia. Anyway, don't forget to review, follow and favorite please! It really helps. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. This story is heavily based on Heracross0122's story, but I've ensured I don't completely copy his. The Road to be a Pokémon Master: Johto Edition! Author: FanaticLAguy06. Smile, and go back for more. Journey of a Pokemon Master: Orange Islands Arc (Book 2) by Heracross0122 reviews. This water type starter is capable of undergoing a special transformation known as Bond Phenomenon, that boosts its power when its heart and the heart of its trainer are as one. Author's Note: Here it is, the start of the Rustboro arc and Serena's first showcase. Journey of a Pokemon Master: Orange Islands Arc by Heracross0122 reviews. Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc (Book 1) by Heracross0122 reviews. (Sequel to, Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc. About me: I've been. Pokemon (c) Heracross0122By: Heracross0122 High off his victory in the Orange League, Ash sets off for a new region to compete with his best buddy Pikachu & girlfriend Serena as she works towards her new goal but what dark secrets are around the corner?Hello Everyone! I am a new fanfiction writer. Ash covered his eyes as the sandstorm rushed past his face. This story is heavily based on Heracross0122's story, but I've ensured I don't completely copy his. Author's Note: Here it is, the chapter which introduces arguably Ash's strongest Pokémon from the anime. (Sequel to, Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc. My Stories 8. Meeting new friends, catching and raising new Pokemon and having the Adventures of their lives. By: Heracross0122 Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc By: Heracross0122. Think of this as a sort of remake. A story set in the original Pokémon timeline. Mononoke Forever (Princess Mononoke) Spirited Away 2: Return to the Spirit. Chapter 39: Houndoom's Special Delivery. While competing in the Wallace Cup, Ash encounters an old friend. Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne travel through the Kanto region, as they. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. Glad you've taken the time of reading about me. Takeru Kamishiro is the son of the renowned Pokémon Master, Satoshi Kamishiro, with him and his companions taking on a journey to Kalos. These three will travel through the Kanto Region & Orange Islands where they battle trainers, befriend pokemon, meet new. Journey of a Pokemon Master: Johto Arc By: Heracross0122. A. To one side she saw Ash with his team out, Phanpy and Duskull were sparring together, still working on the latter's Payback attack, as Taillow and Pikachu continued to work on that metal wing attack. Azurill stood her ground with a serious expression on her face as she took a deep breath before launching a jet of water out of her mouth and into Onix's face, who since isn't that experienced just waited for his trainers instruction. It was slowly calming down but that didn't help with the fact that he knew Team Rocket got away with Raikou, despite their efforts, Team Rocket pulled off their plan. ". Follow Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne as they embark on their Pokemon Journeys. Dawn's points dropped to 85. Chapter 5: Ash VS May: Friends Till The End. (Sequel to, Journey of a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc. Summary. Profession: Photographer. However when it comes to reading fanfiction that's another thing altogether. After reuniting at the Wallace Cup, Serena joins the gang as they continue their travels around Sinnoh, as Ash aims for the Sinnoh League, and Dawn aims for the grand festival. Aura. Balance & Harmony. This concludes the introductory chapter. Aura. Off to the side, Brock is stood with Serena, also alongside them is: Sudowoodo, Gligar, Fennekin, Croagunk, Staravia and Serena's egg, which she. First published Mar 10, 2022. Follow . Droliv • 19 days ago. It quickly flew across the field, like bullets from some sort of machine gun. Favorite Stories 1. By: Heracross0122 After his run at the Indigo League Ash sets off on his second journey with best buddy Pikachu; girlfriend Serena and brother Drake as he has a go at conquering the Orange League. Hey guys it's yo boy Doney, I like Chicken, Watermelon, Cherries, Mississippi Pot Roast (Beef or Chicken), Eggs, Rice, Watching Anime, Reading manga (Specifically. After his run at the Indigo League Ash sets off on his second journey with best buddy Pikachu; girlfriend Serena and brother Drake as he has a go at conquering the Orange League. Journey of a Pokemon Master series by Heracross0122. My hobby is gaming and there are 5 franchises that represent my gaming hobby: Burnout, Mario, Pokemon, Kirby, and Super Smash Bros. Amourshipping. What happens when an early appearance of his crush causes trouble with an old friend? Amourshipping. 19h 54m. Chapter Twenty-Three: Sibling Rivalry. By: Heracross0122 Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. (Slow Burn Detective AU!) Marinette is used to working alone on the streets of Paris as she strives to take down the Hawkmoth gang. SniperWolf61. After his run at the Indigo League Ash sets off on his second journey with best buddy Pikachu; girlfriend Serena and brother Drake as he has a go at conquering the Orange League. Currently, Ash and Dawn are facing off against each other with three Pokemon on each side. Walking back after making amends with May, Ash was passing by the lake. By: Heracross0122 After reuniting at the Wallace Cup, Serena joins the gang as they continue their travels around Sinnoh, as Ash aims for the Sinnoh League, and Dawn aims for the grand festival. She looked across the pond near where their hideout is located. By: Heracross0122 Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. Start reading. About me: Name: My username: Heracross0122 or my nickname: Puninator Age: 25 Gender: Male Location: UK Profession: Photographer Favourite Music: Fall Out. By: Heracross0122 High off his victory in the Orange League, Ash sets off for a new region to compete with his best buddy Pikachu & girlfriend Serena as she works towards her new goal but what dark secrets are around the corner?By: Heracross0122 High off his victory in the Orange League, Ash sets off for a new region to compete with his best buddy Pikachu & girlfriend Serena as she works towards her new goal but what dark secrets are around the corner?By: Heracross0122 After his run at the Indigo League Ash sets off on his second journey with best buddy Pikachu; girlfriend Serena and brother Drake as he has a go at conquering the Orange League. (AU: Amourshipping, Smarter Stronger Ash. By: Heracross0122 Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. PM . Author's Note: Here it is, the next contest and as suggested, May will have to face off against Serena. None cannon Pokémon). Throw Torkoal off from where you're coming from!" He smirked as she charged forward straight through the nearby rocks surrounding Torkoal. By: Heracross0122 After reuniting at the Wallace Cup, Serena joins the gang as they continue their travels around Sinnoh, as Ash aims for the Sinnoh League, and Dawn aims for the grand festival. Last Updated: 1 September 2022. Aura. Starting in Episode 78 of the Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimensions series. So our Ketchum brothers have met their Kalosian girls, what does the future hold for them. So, Alto Mare is saved and Latios is alive. By: Heracross0122 Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. As part of the Joy Family, Alice Joy hadn't really had a choice when it came to her career path. Aura. Those two things need to be equal & no-where embraces it more than the Hoenn region. This story is heavily based on Heracross0122's story, but I've ensured I don't completely copy his. PM . A strange scent of de ja vu clouding her head. SIS: Diamond & Pearl Adventures by Heracross0122 reviews. You can click any sprite for a handy way to add it to your website or forum signature. By: Heracross0122 Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon Master. Links: (Kanto Arc, Orange Islands Arc, Johto Arc, and Hoenn Arc) Recommended by: BNSF1995; Status: Ongoing; Synopsis: Join Ash, Serena, Misty and Brock in their journey through the Kanto region, battling trainers, befriending pokemon and learn through on there journey to become a Pokemon. Brock smiled at the psychic type floating by his head as his torch continue to help illuminate dark cave as they worked their way inside.