1. brazil gang member. But are they okay? Last edited 2 years ago by Dope. 2 239K views bleh. Nephew and uncle get punish for stealing from a cartelWoman had a blast to her face while committing arson. 5 inches flaccid, and 13. March 2021 – A father-of-four decapitated his 17-year-old daughter and carried her head through the streets because he did not approve of her boyfriend. Watch the exact moment a man is executed with machine gun fire by cartel members until his guts protrude from his belly. #funkytown #gore #edits #fnaf #TikTokAwardsPH2022 #foryoupage #CapCut". rip to all the victims, even though they probably have tons of blood on their hands as well. His half-metre penis smashed the record previously believed to have belonged to American actor Jonah Falcon, whose penis was 9. 6K Likes, 112 Comments. 00:00. They catch me and, when they drag me into their van, I see that some of the guys have police uniform on. Reply. 9199 views | Funkytown - Lipps Inc. It’s hilarious how people here think that funky town is somehow less graphic and disturbing than 2 guys 1 hammer. Gore isn't Funny, To Tell the Truth, Reality Since 20201444. Dharavi, India – The boy, identified as Hozefa Shaikh, had taken the lift to his fourth floor home and while getting out of it, got stuck between its outer and inner doors. Seriously dude it’s a gore site for fucks sake. 25. E. Listen to Funky Town Gore on Spotify. ago. fucking cartels, burn in hell. 1 year ago. Funkytown over the years has gone on to be arguably the most infamous gore video on the internet. Alexey Nikolaevich Saenko who was armed with an AKS-74, shot multiple bullets through his head and died instantly. . You should listen to your own advice. His face peels away, exposing twitching muscle and. TikTok video from user64652635299 (@rrrhhh1010): "FAKE BODY ⚠️ recreando videos gore parte 9 "Funky Town gore" #czrgf #recreando #rrrhhh1010 #viral #fyp #lentejas #lentejas #lentejas. br. 7. Most versions start after that. g. 2 years ago. Gore 1 year ago. Lol. 107,172 views. if you die perhaps thats a good thing, people interested enough can learn your true person - you wont even be conscious to give a flying fuck. plays in the background along with some other tunes. Here you will find links to various disturbing websites that contain all sorts of fucked up shit: ranging from random warzone plebs to extremely shocking beheadings and videos of demented Brazilian narcos chopping people up and eating their hearts. Q:发生什么事了?为什么难产?A: 主要是因为up还在上高二没时间做,其次是因为这个内容确实不知道该不该放出来。Q:那你作何打算?A:让它烂手里。Q:你好黑暗哦,看这些东西。A:并不看喵,另外你. rohingyas do all type of crimes, and don’t forget it was us who freed you from those bastard pakistanis who were raping your women and. Funkytown video gore 686. TikTok video from Cortez (@godlovesyouallthetime8): "if you don't know what this means search Funky town gore, this one is just a demonstration on what happened, thank you. Mexico. Reply [deleted] •. 2 years ago 2 years ago. 1 year ago. But I can say Funkytown is the only video that actually made me feel sick. Do you know any background info about this artist? Start the wiki. "Guerrero Flying" " ("Guerrero Desollando") es un video de shock perteneciente a una serie de metrajes bajo el sello "No Mercy in México" " (Sin Piedad en México"), que nos muestra el cruel asesinato de un hombre y su hijo, a manos de un grupo criminal. They linked it so you good, but it was enough to write "funky town gore" or "funky town cartel" on Google. And After Being Hit By A Train, All That's Left Of The Man Is A Bloody Stain. The funky-town video was Spanish, and Brazilians do not speak Spanish. On a tiled floor, the video shows a conscious man being bound with what appears to be rope. It shows a man with his face flayed, hands cut off, and eyes gouged out being tortured by a Mexican cartel while having adrenaline injected into him so he feels the pain while Sweet Child O' Mine and later Funkytown are playing in the background. No one hardly download to This site. Diving Face Split 163K views Atomic. then you move onto a couple suicide videos, then hands getting chopped off, then before you know it you’re watching 720p funkytown, being getting stabbed in the face, torture videos, etc. This is the suicide of Ronnie McNutt, which has been posted on many platforms including non gore platforms like YouTube and TikTok. To explain the video, basically it's this dude laying in a massive amount of blood while a group of men are standing around him. PinataDoodles just joined the crew! We need you on the team, too. 1. A Deep Dive Into the Horrific Funky Town Gore Video - YouTube. Funkytown or Funky Town is the name of an infamous viral video in which a cartel execution is carried out in a room, with the song "Funkytown" being audibly heard in the final 10 seconds of the 2:50. Create your first playlist It's easy, we'll help you. They even slice his throat with a box cutter at. _inte4este_ • 4 mo. And 50 secs. Cartel Burns A Bound Man Alive. you’re not shit lil dude. In a vehicle accident in Ghana’s Ashanti Region, 13 individuals died on the spot. Reply to Jim Crow . HD 00:22. i love fingering myself~ 1 year ago. A 38-year-old man was tasered and arrested in front of a screaming crowd of onlookers this afternoon. The gore video is of one of their victims (the one in the challenge) is called 3 guys 1 hammer. I cant find the video anywhere. Funkytown Gore 562K views Atomic. ago. Colombia . Reply. cartel butchering rivals 1 week ago • 2. Dumbass lol. I’m warning you though, its bad. Funky Town Gore 5. 4K views Sprinter. 140 161. motherfuckers they was the little babies like you. Funky Town Gore. Fun - Because nothing says 'fun' like bestgore! 05 Re-uploading a HORROR - BestGore. Rina (13). – Authorities spotted. 6. Looking everywhere but you know we finna find him. Even seems as if he’s telling them how to cut it off. Announcement! We are launching a brand new website where you can submit your videos! GoreSee. 0. 2 lopeslopes141 • 2 yr. Ukraine – March 31 2021, a 20-year-old soldier was drove to suicide after his friends were encouraging him. Boo bro got spooked - Cortez. 5 inches when erect. Reply. 5K. I’m done”. Es difícil de olvidar, porque en el video se ve a un tipo con la cara completamente desollada, y que en ese estado logra pedir agua. on the world map. Man is almost completely torn apart by Rottweiler dog and is left lying on the ground almost dead. we often lynch rohingyas, they are staying illegally, and changing the demography. carrément c’est des débiles ! c’est quoi le projet ? c’est des crétins ! et en plus méchants ! You are a massive faggot. The Chilling Case of Moraima Escarlet Vasquez Flores -. There were many stories and alleged reasons circulating on the web, but. . 5. _. A gang member stabbed two girls on their necks and faces. Funkytown is one of, if not the most infamous gore video ever made. but didnt affect me. . Audio of man being mauled to death by bears. Your free curated list of the Internet's most gruesome websites. Probably the worst video I watched was of a cartel burning a rival man’s face alive because his nickname was Ghost Rider. November 28, 2018 - November 29, 2018. 1K. You might be ok 1% of the time. 1 man 1 jar 3 Girls 1 Kitten – Viral video of. RumiRumi. And in that moment of primal barbarity, they stripped away every ounce of his identity. 6:26. Afterwards he holds it up to the camera Texas Chainsaw style. Sharing of these videos serv. 0. DoxWick • 7 days ago. Man gets a gun pulled on after hitting another guy 4 days ago • 751 views :D. . tv. There’s literally nothing worse than that. This is unfortunately much much worse than funky town because of the nature of the brutality on an innocent woman and the sound the poor creature makes just moments from. 1. Flores had been accompanying Chapo’s top enforcer Ivan “El Cholo” Gastellum when the Mexican military went after them. linktr. com. The murder charges against her and her son were later dropped. Funky Town Gore xixal xd 7 videos. 244. The video from the crowded morgue, which fell into the hands of Novosibirsk social activist Rostislav Antonov, was filmed in another city. ago It says it's private, but I'm dying to see this funkytown video, I thought I had seen the worst, but we'll see. comVideos like Guerrero Flaying or 3 Guys 1 Hammer show considerably more gore comparing to Funkytown. 00:00 00:00 Newgrounds. 4. The mysterious yet jarring nature of the video has sent some viewers looking for answers to questions such as where this video was filmed. TikTok video from Cortez/History• Taking a shit (@history_edits02): "if you don't know what this means search Funky town gore, this one is just a demonstration on what happened, thank you. 00:52. At around. En el momento en el que acabó con su vida se encontraba cursando estudios en el Liceo No. Stream songs including “Funky Town Gore”. Video gore “QUIERO AGUA” sin censura – hombre sin cara pide agua. Stay careful with. Create your first playlist It's easy, we'll help you. Deathplz. TikTok video from Cortez/History• Taking a shit (@history_edits02): "if you don't know what this means search Funky town gore, this one is just a demonstration on what happened, thank you. most horrific videos I’ve ever seen part 1 | search up: funkytown horror. Consistent_Zombie663 • 1 yr. ee/xixalxd. Lazy ass mods down load. In this video I talk about what I seen in this intense video I watched. Reply Hewitt200. It’s not a rare gore video, but it’s a classic nonetheless. Published 11 months ago • 61K views. florida law review >9ro lv 2yhu ” sodhg lq wkh edfnjurxqg dsshduhg rq vhyhudo wrs “jruh” zhevlwhv 7kurxjkrxw srsxodu jruh zhevlwhv 0djqrwwd’v dqlpdo wruwxuh ylghrv ehfdph qrwrulrxv +rzhyhu lw zdv qrw xqwlo 0d zkhq ehvwjruh frp srvwhg d ylghr hqwlwohg “ /xqdwlf ,fhslfn ” wkdw 0djqrwwd uhfhlyhg wkh ixoo dwwhqwlrq ri wkh jruh zruog dqg &dqdgldq5 Beauty Products. 0:39. . Execution / Murder / Pure Gore. Enrique Guerrero is recalling the Friday evening his nightmare began in Mexico City. Funky Town Cartel G0re video – Explained. 2:00. Cops Shot A Man Who Resisted Arrest. Gun. OUT NOW ON ALL PLATFORMS!!!Spotify: Music: us at Booth # 8 to learn about the unique advantages of GORE® Turbine Filters, and attend our presentation on November 28 where Gore Associate Craig Nelson will present “Performance advantages from upgrading gas turbine air intake systems to Gore E12 filters. xixal xd · Song · 2021. Me in 10 years time watching shrek with my kids when I hear this song playing (the horrible memories are coming back) Funkytown - Lipps Inc. Members of a Mexican drug cartel torture a man on it in. Funky Town Gore. 3. 1. They literally have pagan symbols all over. 81k 557. Funky Town The Dance Queen Group. lesty88 • 1 yr. instagram: @ xixal. Announcement! We are launching a brand new website where you can submit your videos! GoreSee. 5K. 208 views. Finger chopping. TikTok video from kyleee (@ur. Been watching Gore since a very young age so I’m desensitized to any videos. Jimbro. She got literally massacred but, they didn’t finished her. Unofficial chronology is as follows: – The father and his kid entered a forbidden area. local. My dream as a solo dev became real: Timecop1983 joined Mega City Police with his iconic music and new project - sublunar. There is a video I saw back in the day called "The Crazy Blonde" (it goes by other titles as well) where a cartel member peels the face off of a man (who isn't moving/maybe dead. Fun - Can Death Be Funny? 04 Ronnie McNutt commits suicide on livestream - BestGore. 51. Also genuine question- how does the funky town victim stay alive amid all the torture and blood loss. And over there – we will be fighting them, and will fight fucking everywhere, in the entire Ukraine.