Stun them for 1 turn, and inflict Shock and Speed Down for 3 turns. A Mandalorian leader that unites fellow Mandalorians and rallies them to assist. Power 34527 · Health 36,745 · Speed 164. · Basic · Level 8. 340,717 Battles. 34527. View the full database of SWGOH Charactes with the most Speed, Protection, Health, Armor, Potency and Tenacity!Road Ahead: July 2021. Clone Trooper Phase 1, 501st Clone Trooper Phase 2, Jedi Temple Guard, Clone Pilot Phase 1, and Jedi knight LukeSkywalker. 94 % Jedi Master Luke Skywalker 7 3. Darthasveck User # 453649; Arena Rank 3413; Level 85; Ally Code 723-618-383 . Leader: +Critical. Heal. Status. Touch base with the person who has them. GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. Expose. 1K Individual Events. Inspired. Target an enemy susceptible to be annoying if buffed (FOST, Kylo. Mods - SWGOH Tips. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!Aggressive Bounty Hunter Attacker that deals massive damage to Breached enemies. Follow us on Twitter!. 02% for raid bosses) of max health if damaged by attack. This repo exists as an issue tracker and a place for general information about the site. Health Up. Healing Immunity. Support character that debuffs, taunts, and defensively buffs, with Rebel and anti-Empire synergies. If the target already had Burning, inflict Expose for 2 turns. Healing Immunity. Visual Update - Mk III Currency - 2023. Aggressive Resistance Support that shuts down enemies with Expose, Target Lock, and Daze Power 77815 · Speed 178 · Health 98,399 · Max Damage 37850. Taunt again to get more expose. Alignment Light Side: Role. Sage Ewok Support who can Daze enemies and grant Ewok allies many buffs. 0: 1Check out Peempo's Characters from Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!!This effect is doubled for Phoenix allies with less than full Health. SWGOH. GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. For example, the prerequisites for the Jedi Knight Revan Ancient Journey are just get to level 85. Frenzy. share. SWGOH. The Geonosis: Republic Offensive Territory Battle features four Phases which last 36 hours each. SWGOH. Put foresight on your team, then Ahsoka will get a stacking debuff. Health Up. When B1 takes damage, they dispel all debuffs. They are well modded (I. GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. Follow us on Twitter!. Receiver (Arrow) – Potency mod with +30 speed – anything else is just a bonus. Offensive Droid who supports a Droid team with extra stats and debuffs the enemy team. SWGOH. They just milk players without giving them anything. 1. The former can land two Damage Over Time effects while the latter can Expose the enemy and now removed Turn Meter as well. All other secondaries pale in importance when compared with Speed. This is going to be a journal of playing SWGOH free-to-play from level 1. Foresight. Wookiee allies gain Defense Penetration Up and Defense Up for 1 turn, and Protection Up (10%) for 2 turns. Echo · Gear Tiers; Gear Level 1 Mk I. 2. Join Premium to remove ads! Units Navigation. Health Steal Up. We are trying to find the best path as of now for f2p. Deal Physical damage and inflict Expose for 1 turn on target enemy. Grinding or buying gear for Wedge Antilles is a waste in today’s SWGoH. CG has released some event details about the Executor. Fifth Brother Abilities. To complete two teams, I'd have to choose to include one of these three characters. SWGOH. This month we are experimenting with a new format for Road Ahead! DojaFett and myself present the important announcements in video form, but we have also posted some. Leader: +Critical. Inspired. In the resistence zeta finn team, Poe AOE's exposes and reduces Turn Meter on the team, so you can get infinite turns from it, because. Other than that everything looks good, valuable information. Leader who grants Empire allies Counter Chance and Assists them when. Frenzy. But just being level 85 isn't enough to play the tiers. Upgrading a mod can be done by leveling them (with credits) and improving their dot rating (called slicing, explained further down). After landing the Damage Over Time and Expose debuffs, removing those weaker Jedi quickly is where you want to be. Road Ahead - July 2023. Foresight. Power 34527; Speed 182;. Call all Wookiee allies to assist and Stun target. While Darth Malgus is Taunting, he has +60% counter chance, +20% Defense, and -20% Tenacity. Follow the steps in the game to link your account. Stormtrooper gains 40% Defense for each living Empire ally and 40% Offense for each defeated Empire ally. SWGoHCantina. A supportive mechanic who aids Droids and Scoundrels. Expose Light Side · Attacker · Attacker · Galactic Republic · Jedi Anakin's Eta-2 Starfighter Aggressive Jedi Attacker that bolsters Offense and retaliates when allies are in trouble. Resistance Tank with a Taunt that inflicts Expose for big reversals Power 32121 · Health 34,511 · Speed 170. Deal 5% more damage for each active Empire. Heal. For Places of Power you can solo it on auto with just SLKR and Kru. Inspired. Deal 25% more damage for each active Bounty Hunter ally. Leader: +Defense. I know speed is very important. I have added potency on Hera (only as sec stat, because I have unlocked only stage 4 of mod battles). Empire · Tank · Leader · Mandalorian. There are no 1* or 3* versions of Yoda. B1 has no Protection, 1 Health, and 100 stacks of Droid Battalion, and can't be defeated or destroyed while they have Droid Battalion. View the full database of SWGOH Charactes with the most Speed, Protection, Health, Armor, Potency and Tenacity!Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Heal. GL SEE was chosen over SLKR as he is easier to. Dark Side · Leader · Support · Bounty Hunter · Smuggler · Leader · Galactic Legend · Hutt Cartel. The Krayt Dragon gains 20 stacks of Defiance, and its Speed is reduced by 25% while an enemy is Swallowed. Light Side · Support · Droid · Support · Old Republic. SWGOH · Top Expose Characters by Speed; Speed Health Protection Potency Tenacity Armor Physical Damage Critical Damage Special Damage Filters ; Expose . Unit Ship Buff Debuff Other Status Locations 0-0-0. It's a quest to run through a gauntlet of eight battles with one to two kinds of toons in a nod to longer-tail storytelling. Healing Immunity. Speed (4) - 12%. Best Mods GAC Counters GAC - Who To Attack. Jyn, Cass and a Space Wizard take on proper separatists!The Hall Discord: Sith Lord who causes doubt among his foes and heralds the return of the Sith Empire. This allows these players to use a "God Mode" inside the game, that makes. If target is already Confused, duration of their stacks resets to 3 turns. 4707684,883376. Instant Defeat Immunity. Includes Legendaries, Journey events, Grand Arena, Territory Wars, Territory Battles, and moreBounty Hunter allies have +35% Max Health, Max Protection, and Offense, and ignore Taunt on Crewless or Droid ships. Resistance attacker that can use Expose, Foresight, and Turn Meter gains to surprise enemies Power 31336 · Health 31,984 · Speed 140. save. Leader: +Critical. Always use complete sets. Instant Defeat Immunity. Sith · Attacker · Leader. GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. Gonna farm. Inspired. Leader: +Defense. Critical hits also reduce BB-8s cooldown by 1. Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Chief Nebit: Chief Nebit is a taunting tank and should be modded accordingly, with a greater need for Speed than tank characters who auto-taunt of course. Check out what this latest update means for your teams and how it wi. Target Lock. Featuring a basic that. Deal Physical damage to target enemy. That is the. Squad Formation. Heal. Instant Defeat Immunity. Just look at their forums if you want to feel their players. Our goal when building Insight was to give users access to the entire dataset of GAC results, with no data limits, with all the power to slice the data any way they want. Unlike previous Territory Battles in SWGoH, the Rise of the Empire TB features Light. Gain Turn Meter. GGTo elaborate, expose only triggers when damage is done. Light Side • Attacker Jedi • Galactic Republic. The most popular Mod Set for Echo is Speed (4) and Potency (2) . July 6. Gain 1 stack of Ransom (max 50) for the rest of the encounter, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Health Up. Galaxy of Heroes SWGOH – Road Ahead 11/2022 ¡Más detalles de la nueva BT y 7º aniversario! LordNeko. GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. Darth Malgus takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects, is immune to Healing Immunity, and while debuffed, gains 10% Defense and Health Steal. The first time each other Phoenix ally falls below 50% Health, Hera gains 80% Turn Meter. July 7, 2023 7:58PM. All you need is access to the game on both of your devices, and your Player IDs. 2 posts Member. The Ghost gains 30% Turn Meter for each debuffed enemy. Follow us on Twitter!. Unit Crew Buff Debuff Other Status Locations Ahsoka Tano's Jedi Starfighter. Whenever a Sith Empire ally is inflicted with a debuff, they recover 10% Health and Protection. 74 % Finn 5 1. In the future, I find if I have a question about mods that a good rule of thumb to google " [character name] swgoh. What this means in practice is that if you. 416,577 Battles. If the target enemy is inflicted with Target Lock, inflict Burning and another stack of Damage Over. Leader: +Defense. SWGOH · Top Expose Characters by Tenacity; Speed Health Protection Potency Tenacity Armor Physical Damage Critical Damage Special Damage Filters ; Expose . Joined Jul 21, 2021685 posts SWGOH Dev Team. 2021-07-23 08:15 pm. Foresight. 6 comments. Inflict Defense Down to all enemies for 2 turns, which can't be Evaded. gg | IntimmyD2 (alt) swgoh. Offensive Rebel Leader who gains Advantage, Stuns enemies, revives Rebel allies and grants them Potency Up. Basic: deal special damage to the target and grant 20%turn meter for all the commanded troopers and grant 1 more stack of clone army for clone trooper. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Foresight. Dark Side allies have +20% Offense. Some other popular mod sets used for Sith. This attack deals 35% more damage to debuffed enemies. The mod type depends on the set attribute. I've read/watched a lot of advice for new players, but nothing that takes the player through the leveling process. community. Heal. Inspired. Believe me this was the shortest I could make this post. GAC Counters (3v3) Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Characters. Expose. . However, culling blade needs to "count" the number of status effects dispelled before doing damage (see. LOTR. And quite possibly the most complex in SWGOH. 1) The below Offense set square mod has the following secondary stats: +36 Offense. Poe Dameron is a tank with the ability to expose enemies as well. Gear Levels Full Gear List Relic Tier List Stats Table Player Data Top Players. -35 Developer Q&A Archive. Fulcrum73. Deal 5% more damage for each active Empire ally. SWGOH. The Robot Wizard. Mind trick on SithT, next key step is use RT basic to get expose on Sion, plus Holdo AOE, then hide with R2 to let Holdo take isolate. . Power 34527 · Health 33,087 · Speed 152. Leader: +Defense. Leader: +Critical. If the enemy is a Jedi, inflict another stack of Purge. When Spark of Rebellion. SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Sets; SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Primary and Secondary Stats; SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Understanding Mod Stats; SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Speed, aka The Holy Grail; SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Farming; SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Guide to Mod Slicing.