1 / 2. 8. r/Dyson_Sphere_Program. r/Dyson_Sphere_Program. + If all the raw materials of this recipe. Report Save Follow. 27. Todo Discusiones Capturas Artwork Retransmisiones Videos Noticias Guías Reseñas. Join. One energy exchanger used 10 proliferated accumulators, the other used 10 normal accumulators. 9. In the early game, its higher energy density make it a great choice for powering the Icarus. So even spraying Mk. For the extra 5% production that blue gives over green (and the extra power consumption associated with using blue), is it worth the. Dyson Sphere Program > General Discussions > Topic Details. Sounds like a lot until you realize that the energy cost will never be more than double what your factory uses now. Cargos can receive Proliferator points when they are sprayed. Once the research is complete, you can create Matrix Labs. 5x power usage + a bit more for the output of the proliferator production plant. Each node can take 0. 1:. Dyson Sphere Program. For everyone helping me out just know you were helping a moron haha. Belts can also be stacked 4 high, so the max throughput is now 7200 item/min. As it is, they cost more energy to make than they provide, but if proliferator boosted energy on them, that wouldn't be the case. Allows you to increase proliferator "Extra Products" or "Production Speedup" by multiplying by. For this calculation i assumed the value of all basic resources as equal, so 1 coal = 1 oil = 1 iron ore = 1 titanium ore etc. Very. NEW CHALLENGEAll (non-timed) Achievements in a single game x0. r/Dyson_Sphere_Program. This page lists all fuels in the game and explains the stats they use. Dyson Sphere Program August 23 Patch Notes (0. O (blue) B (light blue/Blue Giants) A (blue/white) F. The raw material formula of the Proliferator has been furtherly upgraded. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. It can be built on the conveyor belt and it can spary the Proliferator onto the cargos. Subscribe to my content: Guide and More Information: critical state photon. ago. #4. Now in Early Access! Lead the future of humanity and harness the power of stars by building the first Dyson Sphere in the. The warp speed is the same, the power consumption seems the same, I. The Official subreddit for Dyson Sphere Program, a sci-fi management game by Youthcat Games and Gamera Game. A normal mark 3 spray can boost 60 other sprays from 60 -> 75 You use 60 to gain 60*15 = +840 A sprayed mark 3 can boost 75 other sprays from 60 -> 75 so you use 76 (1 initial + 75) to gain 75*15 = +1049Factorio player detected. Finally, consider cost benefit ratio. 16 belts of Proliferator Mk3. 9 factories. That's not quite how you connect it. 1) Before feeding it into all your other spray coaters. So that's 1. Purple Science. Below 100% power satisfaction, buildings will work at a speed equal to their power satisfaction. wtfunchu • 2 yr. A good example of this one is stacking the hydrogen outputs of fireice so you can have more chemical plants in a slice. Another effect fo this is that proliferating multiple stages has multiplicative effects. 9. Self-Proliferator (early game) Electric Motor. This turns the box into basically a. I decided to use Proliferator Mk III on my rocket assembler inputs and Proliferator Mk II on the actual rockets fed into the launchers, which increased the launch rate to 7. I've seen this come up before and people always think it's power when it's actually this. So I made a proliferator factory to mess around with it and get a feel for how it works. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. DSP Wiki: The Dyson Sphere Program Wiki. This opens and closes the pattern. However, the above example is the savedata set in. Hooked up the storage array, through a spray coater using proliferator Mk. Last updated: 2. Platform. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Determine resource and machine requirements for your desired objectives. Unlike other buildings that require Sorters to input and output materials, it operates in a "continuous process" mode taking inputs and outputs directly by belt. gim190. Subscribe to my content: Guide and More Information: Sphere Program Wiki Calculator: Nice interface, but buggy and lacks key information. They can be built diagonally, no need to align with latitude or longitude lines. 2 proliferator juice, its +20% to your output at a cost of +100% power. Proliferator buffs stack. Filling the Icarus's fuel slots with Energetic Graphite is. Dyson Sphere Program > General Discussions > Topic Details. Details in the comments. You are correct about the exponential decay, but the numbers are incorrect. When you get 20% extra products, you don't need 20% less factories, it is a bit more. There is another issue that causes this which has nothing to do with power. "Comparing with Proliferator MK. 0%. That's just the damn unlock cost. Step 4: 69. Animate. Layouts. 441x, which means from the inputs for the Titanium Alloy, you end up getting 2. Try to refresh the page40K subscribers in the Dyson_Sphere_Program community. The Proliferator points brings several kinds of buff to the production. The text you see on foundations says (after the foundations has been sprayed with proliferator): If used as foundation, addition soil piles can be obtained, or reduce the cost of soil piles. Took me 70 hours to start building my first sphere. 5 or so, but you can choose your own preferred threshold there. This mod let you multiply effect of proliferator. In addition to green paint, blue paint needs carbon nanotubes (which requires a rare mineral or several raw materials to manufacture). 9. Dyson Sphere Program. 27. 1. Tất c. Dyson Sphere Blueprints. The advantages of using productivity proliferator are significant. Go to Dyson_Sphere_Program r/Dyson_Sphere_Program • Posted by. The new building is the Logistics Distributor, and you put it on top of storage boxes. iii Electromagnetic matrix Mass Construction 4 Up to version 0. If you spray it on the cargos, when the sprayed cargos are used as raw materials to produce the next-level products, the effect of Extra Products or Production Speedup will be improved. Spray coater sits on a belt and sprays anything that moves underneath it with proliferator, proliferator goes in a port on top of the spray coater. Dyson Sphere Program. So if you use it as a material you can proliferate it. (had to delete the first post, bec wrong input numbers)When using "Production Speed" setting all it does it cut the number of buildings in half. Put items on belts. Took me several evenings to build. They also allow Ray Receivers to maintain 100% up time at lower latitudes (further from the poles) by bending the light over the horizon of the planet. 13 belts for its own production. 25x universe matrices per cube is basically giving 25% more of every single thing in your factory. 25 blocks wider than the inline stack splitter so it made the whole print wider by 1-3 block, which when added up across large prints started taking space I needed elsewhere. When the cargos are used as raw materials for the next level of production, it can obtain the effect of Extra. Last edited by Dragonmaster; Feb 10, 2022 @. Notice that we gained 2. Universe matrix in research lab. 5%, 20%, or 25%) before being fully consumed. 60 times. josmith7r/Dyson_Sphere_Program • Finished my largest sphere generating 1. edit. 5gw worth of power and I’m only currently using 1. Filters on everything. Dyson Sphere Program. Spray the bars before they go into the assembler, you get 144 iron cogs back out. Besides the outstanding additions of the blueprint system and. I care about my FPS and I don't want to spend double the time building. B and O systems also have the most of ingredients like Iron which you can never have enough of. Dyson Sphere Program. Proliferator Mk. (had to delete the first post, bec wrong input numbers)52x Copper Ore. 60 times. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Gas Giants come in two types, ones sometimes called "normal" (labeled "Planet Gas Giant" in-game) has lots of Hydrogen and lesser amounts of Deuterium. This series is about keeping organized and making the most out of the new mechanic: Proliferation!This episode: Getting EVEN MORE Scientific about it. 4096x as much steel, sulfur, and titanium. Dyson Sphere Program Proliferator Guide – Gamer Journalist. Also hovering over a recipe will tell you if the fluid will give you extra products or production speed up, since not all recipes allow for extra. Added Dyson Sphere layer hiding function. I, and now you can use the Spray Coater to spray the Proliferator on the cargos. Spraying all of the input hydrogen with mk3 proliferators increased that to just under 1440 Deut/min at the cost of 24 mk3 proliferators/min. So if your satisfaction is at 80%, assemblers and smelters will work at 80% speed, mining machines and other material gathering machines will gather at 80% of their normal rate, pilers will only stack things 80% of the. Priority for proliferation should be. - Then add that one to the next 3 which is 4 and thus output 4. Added Proliferator. Ironically one that's not worth it is my proliferator production itself; where I'm using direct insertion to move the Mk. but of course that gets much better at the higher levels. Inputs and link for the blueprint are in comments. Graviton lenses can also be proliferated and the speedup bonus is applied to either power gen or critical photon production as appropriate for the ray receiver mode. +25. When using "Extra Products" setting it cuts the number of buildings in half (almost) in addition to cutting the input requirements in half. 54 factories (13500 usable) Self Proliferated - scaled production 8 factories (10239. 60x Stone. 15466. Quality of Life. It. On every step, instead of multiplying by 80/100, you need to multiply by 100/120. Proliferator is exactly as powerful as the value of the sprayed item. Date Posted: Jan 20, 2022 @. This allows it to have much higher throughput than most buildings, essentially only limited by the tier of the input and output belts. Some builds were created in zone 2. . 1x Proliferator Mk. The first: you're getting an extra Hydrogen. com: Still a work-in-progress. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Dyson Sphere Program. The bonus is multiplicative, the cost is additive. josmith7 Feb 1 @ 3:24pm. 3 Belts - 2,380/Minute - Thin/Compact - Perfect Ratio - No Collisions. Dyson Sphere Program is essentially a problem-solving game. Dyson Sphere Program > General Discussions > Topic Details. 5)x Hydrogen. The Official subreddit for Dyson Sphere Program, a sci-fi management game by Youthcat Games…This mod allows you to drag build multiple wireless power towers. There are only a few things in the game where you can run a conveyor belt directly into it. 15068283, starts me squarely on the North Pole (90 degrees north), in the water, and the default starting veins (there's supposed to be 6 copper and 6 iron right by the starting point no matter what) are both missing. I put a piler followed by an input of more stacked hydrogen to refill the line after every 5 fractionators and I was getting just under 700 Deut/min from 10 fractionators. At tier 3, yes. A forge world world dedicated to making Small Carrier Rockets. Warpers are currently not used in any recipes for constructing something else and the usage of them is binary on/off. Perhaps in a future update we'll have warp. 25x faster, which. . - The it would output a 0 because it is empty. 44K subscribers in the Dyson_Sphere_Program community. 9. How to use proliferator? So I have started playing again after a long break and only started to give proliferator a try quite a bit late into the game (I just started producing white science and have a 10 GW sphere up that is growing). A feature-rich factory production calculator for Factorio and other factory games. . • 28 days ago. 1x High-Purity Silicon. Four new buildings have been added in Dyson Sphere Program major update, "The Icarus Evolution". The rods run out eventually, while the sphere continues forever. Finally - proliferate your proliferators. Features. Dyson Sphere Program > General Discussions > Topic Details. 15466. r/Dyson_Sphere_Program • Poll on Proliferator and Automatic Piler.