Come to Best of the Web to find hand chosen sites about Concertinas. £1200. We have the largest selection of genuine English concertinas in the world, from makers such as Lachenal, Wheatstone, Crabb and numerous others. This is a Wheatstone 57-Key Maccann Duet with Steel Reeds and raised ebony-ends and 6-fold. Wheatstone 48-Key Aeola Treble. Tell Us What You’re Looking For. The concertina has internal markings which say ‘Captain Joe Barr- August 10/94’, which would be 1894. Instruments we have for sale are listed on our Concertina Doctor facebook page. £1800. This a brilliant 20-Key in Anglo in C/G that would be classified as a ‘Tidder’. A Lachenal Inimitable model-the one with decorated rosewood ends with the floret inlays and gold tooled bellows. £2250. Chris Algar has been in business for over 25 years, and has delivered many thousands of fully. 01270 879 958 Make enquiry. 1 photos. Due to to that, we’re hoping to sell them unrestored, as putting each concertina through restoration would likely end up with them being separated, and we. Barleycorn Concertinas is undoubtedly the largest stockist and seller of concertinas in the. It has been fitted with pads and valves in recent years, and has been tuned to concert pitch (A=440hz). It has new pads, valves and straps, and has been tuned to concert pitch (A=440hz). Barleycorn Concertinas Service Can we Export? For years Barleycorn has been exporting to America, Ireland, Europe and Asia, often through major dealers in those countries. This is a really lovely Crabb 48-Key Tenor that is in the style of a Wheatstone Aeola. 1 photos. The level and quality of the craftsmanship in Charles Jeffries and Sons workshop in London back in the late 1800s and early 1900s has yet to be rivalled by any modern maker. This is a Lachenal 32-Key Anglo in CG with metal-ends, steel reeds and 6-fold bellows. Description Specification. Barleycorn Concertinas March 6, 2021 · NEW DUETS IN STOCK As we've mentioned previously, Duet concertinas are seemingly more popular than ever, and we've added two new instruments to our website today. Barleycorn Concertinas. This is a Lachenal Paragon 48-Key Treble with steel reeds. This is a Wheatstone 12-Key Miniature English with steel reeds (serial. Lovely bright tone. This is a Jeffries 38-Key anglo in C/G. All four will be ideal for completely different musicians, but we're sure they'll all find a new home very quickly! Lovely Crabb 30-Key Anglo in C/G- £4500. Back of the Bush. 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2 Geoff Wooff Members 2. By Geoff Wooff December 3, 2012 in Buy & Sell. 01270 879 958 Make enquiry. Instruments we offer for sale are fully restored and tuned to concert pitch. The ends are also very decorative- the George Case equivalent of. Description Specification. 01270 879 958 Make enquiry. Sold - awaiting approval. Our duets are flying off the shelves at the moment so please don’t hesitate if you’re interested in this instrument. Description Specification. South Hams Traditional Music. March 6, 2021 · NEW DUETS IN STOCK. English Concertinas - Barleycorn Concertinas. We are undoubtedly the largest stockist and seller of concertinas in the world – selling over 300 instruments a year; We work from home by mail order or meeting customers by. It has steel reeds, 5-fold bellows and is tuned to concert pitch. We specialise in repairing and restoring concertinas and other free reed instruments. Hello everyone, and welcome to the brand new Barleycorn Concertinas website. You can trade in the concertina which you buy from us at the same price as you paid when you upgrade that instrument i Read More Contact Who is Barleycorn Concertinas Headquarters £4,000 Fully restored, 48 metal buttons, concertina pitch, 6 fold bellows, with original leather case. Has a reputation second to Church Lawton none. ७५८ लाइक · १२३ जना यसको बारेमा कुरा गर्दैछन्. In 2008 I bought this 46 key Lachenal from Barleycorn concertinas at Whitby folk week. £5750. It has been fitted with new pads and valves, and tuned to concert pitch. The Jeffries Duet is an incredibly rare musical instrument that for all intents and purposes looks like a large Anglo concertina with four horizontal rows, but with buttons that play the same note whether pushed or pulled. £5250. Description Specification. This is a 38-Key Anglo in C/G Marked ‘C Jeffries Maker’ with steel reeds. Musician/band. Sold. Wheatstone 48-Key Treble with New Rosewood Ends. Usually, 20-Key Lachenal anglo concertinas are extremely scruffy. 01270 879 958 Make enquiry. 01270 879 958 Make enquiry. It has been fitted with new pads and valves, and tuned to concert pitch (A=440hz). 01270 879 958 Make enquiry. The Edeophone is a beautiful concertina model, and the top range of English instruments that Lachenal ever made (it was the inspiration for Wheatstone to make the Aeola). As you can see in the photos, there is some minor wear to this instrument, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it is a good. This is a Wheatstone 48-Key Aeola Treble with steel reeds. Concert pitch, steel reeds. Welcome to Concertinas-UK. It has been fitted with new pads, valves and straps,. The concertina has been fitted with new pads,. We've decided to. It mainly has antique concertinas for sale in very good condition, and they do expert repairs and restorations on what they get in. This specific instrument is a very nice example of the Lachenal rosewood anglo. It has 6-fold bellows which make a huge difference compared to a 5-fold set, and is just a lovely concertina all-round. Concertina. Barleycorn Concertinas. It is fitted with new pads, valves and straps and is tuned to concert pitch. Description Specification. 2 photos. It has a nice, balanced tone- not too loud or harsh, and not too mellow or quiet. It is a Wheatstone Aeola No 29502. Even if you don't want to buy it, it's worth having a look just to see the quality of craftsmanship on display. For now, though, here are the concertinas that have recently been added. Chris Algar has been in business for over 25 years, and has delivered many thousands of fully-restored vintage instruments. This is a lovely Connor 30-Key Anglo in C/G. April 12, 2022 · *SOLD ON APPROVAL*- SUSPECTED FIRST MACCANN DUET EVER MADE- LACHENAL 57-KEY MACCANN- £1600. Very Nice Lachenal Paragon 48-Key Treble. Lachenal Inimitable 48 Key English - Barleycorn Concertinas. Sold - awaiting approval. Sold - awaiting approval. This concertina is no exception. Special Offers - Barleycorn Concertinas. 01270 879 958 Make enquiry. This is a Lachenal 20-Key Anglo in C/G with brass reeds. Barleycorn Concertinas February 10, 2022 · NEW CONCERTINAS IN STOCK Today we've added four new instruments to our website, and it's safe to say that you'd be hard pressed to find four concertinas in such lovely condition. It has been fitted with new bellows, bushings, pads, valves and straps, and. Details Lachenal New Model 55-Key Maccann Duet (8062) Type: Duet Make: Lachenal Model: 55-Key Maccann Price: £1600 Details Wheatstone Aeola 60-Key Maccann Duet (8244) Type: Duet Make: Wheatstone Model: 60-Key Maccann Price: £2400 Details Wheatstone 57-Key Rebuilt Aeola Maccann Duet (8252) Type: Duet Make: Wheatstone Model: 57-Key Maccann Barleycorn Concertinas by Chris Algar Barleycorn is a widely-trusted source to buy concertinas—Anglo, English, or Duet. Lachenal New Model 48-Key Treble (7893) Stock Number- 7893. 01270 879 958 Make enquiry. . Description Specification. Sold. This concertina is being sold by us on behalf of a respected concertina restorer who has carried out the restoration of the instrument. It mainly has antique concertinas for sale in very good condition, and they do expert repairs and restorations on what they get in. There are a large number of concertinas that are attributed to a maker called ‘Tidder’, although without any labels or. Hello everyone, I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this so I apologise if it isn't! I'm Ciaran and most of you will know my dad, Chris. I'm currently going through a full concertina education and have found browsing this forum incredibly useful as a resource- what an amazing thing thi. Fitted with new pads, valves, straps and 7-fold bellows. This is a Jeffries 30-Key Anglo in C/G with a Lachenal/Wheatstone layout. £800. This is a lovely 49-Key Jeffries Anglo in C/G in a Lachenal/Wheatstone layout. It is located in Eugene, Oregon, USA and I am asking $1,650 plus shipping. Here we will be posting frequent blogs about the concertina and its fascinating diversity, posts about the current concertina market and explain a bit more about the instruments we. This is a Lachenal Edeophone 48-Key Treble with steel reeds, It has been fitted with new pads and vales, and tuned to concert pitch (A=440hz). Musician/band. The majority that were ever constructed were in the Maccann system, with far fewer Crane/Triumph system instruments being available. It has been fitted with new pads, valves and straps, and tuned to concert pitch (A=440hz). If you’re having problems, just send us a email with your. Musician/band. The notes are that of a standard 55-Key Crane, but with an extra three notes below the bottom-C on the left side of the instrument. Folk on the Moor Crabshell Records National Folk Concertina. See more of Barleycorn Concertinas on Facebook. This is a Lachenal Paragon 48-Key Treble which has had new pads, valves, bushings, straps and 6-fold. Jeffries 38-Key Anglo in C/G. Wheatstone anglo concertinas often get unfairly overlooked. £3400. It has rosewood ends, metal buttons, steel reeds and a brand new set of quality 6 fold leather bellows. This is a brilliant concertina, and for somebody who can utilise it in the key it was made in, it will be absolutely perfect. A Pinhole Aeola will always be a mellow and soft-sounding instrument, but perhaps more surprisingly to some, this Lachenal Metal-Ended Treble also has a lovely, balanced tone. It has been fitted with new pads and valves, and tuned to concert pitch (A=440hz). It has been fitted with new pads, valves and straps, and tuned to concert pitch (A=440hz). 01270 879 958 Make enquiry. It has metal ends, metal buttons, steel reeds and 6 fold bellows. £4000. £950. Research commercial and industrial enterprise including economic activities from property development, banking, finance, and retail information. As a very late Lachenal Anglo, this isn’t an instrument that will ever be troubling the top end concertinas we have in stock, but it’s an excellent player for the price and the perfect instrument in the price bracket between the 20 keys and 30 keys. It has good quality Wheatstone. We make sure that every instrument sold on commission is in fully playing order. Description Specification. The Coronavirus pandemic saw a lot of people taking up the. Description Specification. This is an opportunity to browse the selection and get in touch to register interest- we can then contact you once the concertina is. This is a Wheatstone 48-Key Treble with steel reeds. It has been fitted with new pads, valves, straps and bellows, and tuned to concert pitch (A=440hz). 1 photos. 01270 879 958 Make enquiry. Crabb 48-Key Tenor 'Aeola'. Very tidy condition for this kind of instrument. £1450. This is a Lachenal 57-Key Maccann Duet with steel reeds. This creates a really beautiful, almost harmonium-like tone, and is absolutely ideal for somebody looking to accompany songs on a Maccann. It’s a lucky person who gets to work and play in the same industry for most of their life! 17 Gender:Male Location:Manchester, UK Posted December 22, 2020 Hi everybody, hope you're all keeping well. This is a Wheatstone 30-Key Anglo in C/G with steel reeds. It has been fitted with new pads, valves and straps, and tuned to concert pitch (A=440hz). It has been fitted with new pads and valves, and has been tuned to concert pitch. Musical Instrument. £3250. Description Specification. BARLEYCORN CONCERTINAS JULY UPGRADE OFFER- £100 OFF! We've got a very exciting offer currently available for previous Barleycorn customers. The level and quality of the craftsmanship in Charles Jeffries and Sons workshop in London back in the late 1800s and early 1900s has yet to be rivalled by any modern maker. The two downsides of an instrument like this for some musicians would be the number of buttons and the key. £2250. £400. We run a wanted list where we search for that rare and unusual instrument. Description Specification. However, due to a number of factors, there are some things that can make the process of buying a concertina from Barleycorn slightly more complex from outside of the UK- we’ll outline a couple of them in this post. This is a Lachenal 32-Key Anglo in C/G with steel reeds, metal ends and metal buttons. £4000. uk or call us on +44 (0) 1270 879 958. Connor 30-Key Anglo in C/G. This is just in – a Jeffries 30 Key in as original condition as you can ever expect to see. This is a Wheatstone 48-Key Treble with steel reeds. Without realising it many people could be playing an instrument which originated here. Chris Algar of Barleycorn Concertinas, widely regarded as the foremost concertina expert in the world, rates Jeffries-made concertinas as his favourite. This is a Wheatstone 48-Key Treble with raised ebony ends and steel reeds. Sold - awaiting approval. Serial number- 36169 When it comes to Duets, we believe that there were only 7000 (give or take a few) ever made- of which, between 1,000-2,000 were Cranes. The fretwork is in fairly good condition for an antique Lachenal,. £800. It has a set of brass reeds which have been tuned to concert pitch,. There were so few Duets made in comparison to English and Anglo concertinas, most of these Duets were Maccann system (making Cranes much harder to find) and to have a 48-Key Crane, one of the more basic numbers of keys, on a top-end Lachenal Edeophone makes this an extremely rare thing. Our stock selection is much larger than the concertinas we display on this website, so if you can’t find what you’re looking for on our ‘Stock Selection’ page, then fill in this form and we’ll let you know if we have anything suitable for you as soon as possible. Crabb 55-Key Crane Duet. Get in touch.