A new species is discovered weegy. B. A new species is discovered weegy

BA new species is discovered weegy  Expert answered|MichellDonovan|Points 11961| User: The _____ of

TRUE. They observe that the animal is capable of producing sperm. What might they say about how this plant is different from an angiosperm? Its seeds have one or two cotyledons. Log in for more information. Evolution is the idea that species change over time, and natural selection is a mechanism by which evolution takes place. 6/5/2023 9:32:58 PM| 11 Answers. It does not depend on insect. A new species is discovered and scientists are trying to classify it. Humans have not yet discovered most of earth's species. Its seed has one cotyledon, it has six flower parts, its leaves have parallel veins, its stem is herbaceous, and the vascular bundles in its stem are scattered throughout the stem. Scientists find evidence that members of this species traveled long distances without putting their hands down on the ground and used tools. 8. Its stems' vascular bundles are scattered. There are no comments. A newly discovered tree species has cone-like structures that are covered with exposed seeds. This orchid has evolved a long tube, so that moths feeding on its nectar contact it's pollen, helping it to reproduce. Updated 128 days ago|2/10/2023 9:18:02 AM. the endangered species was an animal and not a plant. Prehensile tail. Its stems' vascular bundles are scattered. ] User: what makes up the vascular tissue . a newly discovered tree species has cone-like structures that are covered with exposed seeds. Zebra mussels are an invasive species that can completely disrupt an ecosystem -is why an ecologist would be worried by discovering one in a lake in Pennsylvania for the first time. New species are discovered here with remarkable frequency - over 3,000 since 1997. where to find main idea of a paragraph . 25 + 95 series represents the correct order in which he should press the keys on his calculator. A new species is discovered and scientists are trying to classify it one of the key features found is that the species is entirely dependent on other organisms for its food necessary to sustain life. User: A scientist has discovered a new plant species in the Amazon rainforest. The Greater Mekong is home to some of the planet's most iconic and endangered species. Which group of monkeys would this new species most likely be related to?. Weegy: Act 2 of The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street. It's often found frozen to death and free of decomposition. Weegy. Among the new species were 44 lizards, 30 ants, 14 flowering plants, 13 sea stars, seven fish, four sharks, three moths, two spiders and one toad. A scientist has discovered a new plant species in the Amazon rainforest. the diagram shows the steps involved in:. Updated 51. New answers. If a period contains many fossils of species that previously weren't found, what type of event most likely took place on Earth?. One of the key features found is that the species is entirely dependent on other organisms for its food necessary to sustain life. Rating. It does not depend on insect pollination. D. A newly discovered tree species has cone-like structures that are covered with exposed seeds. Species that live in seawater can also live on mountains. Weegy: Citizens have to register to vote ,To make sure people vote only. |Score 1|maydj|Points 41039| Log in for more information. Its stems' vascular bundles are scattered. This is a type heterotrophic species. Species evolve by passing on advantageous. Which of the following is one of Darwin's ideas that was accepted by most scientists of his time due to the large number of fossils being discovered at that time? A. Which plant group does it most likely belong to? pteridophytes gymnosperms angiosperms bryophytes. A new species is discovered and scientists are trying to classify it one of the key features found is that the species is entirely dependent on other organisms for its food necessary to sustain life. Comments. Scientists find evidence that members of this species traveled long distances without putting their hands down on the ground and used tools. weegy. A newly discovered tree species has cone-like structures that are covered with exposed seeds. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. It is most likely belong to gymnosperms. A new monkey species has developed. C. Weegy: The Canada goose and its subspecies may be undergoing Speciation, the process of new species forming or becoming distinct. Its stems' vascular bundles are scattered. That's the famous one that most experts think was caused by a huge meteorite hitting the Earth around 65 million years ago, killing off around 88 percent of then-existing species. What might they say about how this plant is different from an angiosperm? Its seeds have one or two cotyledons. What might they say about how this plant is different from an angiosperm? Its seeds have one or two cotyledons. The bird waits, sometimes even perched on a cow's back, until the cow kicks up a frog or fish while it walks. This species climbs trees and has opposable thumbs but does not have a prehensile tail. a newly discovered tree species has cone-like structures that are covered with exposed seeds. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. b. the temperature of different parts of the ocean. This is an example of coevolution. Weegy: Rooted aquatic plants can be found in areas with lower sunlight exposure. B B. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. They might say that this plant is different from an angiosperm in that: It. Parasitic B. 00 and one for $84. nana is scarcely larger than a fingernail. New answers. Weegy: Oil and coal cause air pollution. Weegy: A new organism has been discovered. One of the key features found is that the species is entirely dependent on other organisms for its food necessary to sustain life. The type of species is a heterotrophic. Species change over long periods of time is one of Darwin's ideas that was accepted by most scientists of his time due to the large number of fossils being discovered at that time. Get an answer. |Score 1|maydj|Points 41039| Log in for more information. 7/4/2023 1:12:33. New answers. A scientist has discovered a new plant species in the Amazon rainforest. This species climbs trees and has opposable thumbs but does not have a prehensile tail. Source: Pensoft Publishers. Rating. What statement would they most likely make about the new species? This animal produces offspring that are genetically different from itself. Weegy: The horseshoe crab is an example of a living fossil because it hasn't changed since it first appeared on Earth. A new species is discovered and scientists are trying to classify it. which plant group does it belong to? New answersA new monkey species has developed. this frog survives on air that passes through its skin. Rating. It does not depend on insect. Its stems' vascular bundles are scattered. Its seed has one cotyledon, it has six flower parts, its leaves have parallel veins, its stem is herbaceous, and the vascular bundles in its stem are scattered throughout the stem. 3. Mi Ming. They observe that the animal is capable of producing sperm. The Nano-Chameleon Brookesia nana. This is supporting evolution because it shows that the structure of the whale is changing over time. Why would this make an ecologist worried? A. What might they say about how this plant is different from an angiosperm? Its seeds have one or two cotyledons. This animal produces offspring that are genetically. If this hypothesis is true, the fossil would most likely have A curve in the lumber region of the spine. Its stems' vascular bundles are scattered. This is an example of what kind of feeding relationship? A. Weegy: Orchids are a recently evolved plant that have a novel feature known as aerial roots. Researchers have found seven new animal species living along the Southwest Indian Ridge, 3,000 metres beneath the surface of the ocean, in an area targeted for deep-sea mining. There are no new answers. - would they most likely make about the new species. Which of the following is one of Darwin's ideas that was accepted by most scientists of his time due to the large number of fossils being. B. Rating. The structures in the horseshoe crab don't decompose, so complete fossils are discovered. Mi Ming. |Score 1|maydj|Points 41039| Log in for more information. [ This is a heterotrophic species. Weegy: A new organism has been discovered. Producer C. User: Species can vary in several ways. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. A scientist has discovered a new plant species in the Amazon rainforest. Angiosperm and monocot best classifies this plant. Species vary around the world. Scientists hypothesize that the species traveled long distances without putting their hands down on the ground, and used tools. It does not depend on insect. C. the survival of its species reflects the overall state and health of its ecosystem. Discover more. hydrothermal vents c. It's often found frozen to death and free of decomposition. A newly discovered tree species has cone-like structures that are covered with exposed seeds. Added 5/14/2021 6:12:20 PMWe would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A newly discovered tree species has cone-like structures that are covered with exposed seeds. D. The next day was the worst. A new monkey species has developed. This would make an ecologist worried because Zebra mussels are an invasive species that can completely disrupt an ecosystem. B. Rating. Two scientists are debating how to classify a new animal species that they have discovered. News. What might they say about how this plant is different from an angiosperm? Its seeds have one or two cotyledons. Which trait would the fossil most likely have? a foramen magnum at the back of the skull a curve in the lumbar region of the spine a femur angled outward an. A new species is discovered and scientists are trying to classify it. Academy research associate Aaron Bauer’s work. It does not depend on insect. Weegy: If you see an emergency vehicle approaching either from the front or rear you should: Pull over to the curb and stop. One of the key features found is that the species is entirely dependent on other organisms for its food necessary to sustain life. There are fossils of extinct ancestors of horseshoe crabs, and the species is still alive today. Scientists are constantly learning more and more about fossils because A. A new species is discovered and scientists are trying to classify it one of the key features found is that the species is entirely dependent on other organisms for its food necessary to sustain life. Index fossils are A. [ ]A botanist has discovered a new plant species and is trying to classify the plant. A new species is discovered and scientists are trying to classify it one of the key features found is that the species is entirely dependent on other organisms for its food necessary to sustain life. A new species is discovered and scientists are trying to classify it one of the key features found is that the species is entirely dependent on other organisms for its food necessary to sustain life. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. C. the Aqualung d. A scientist has discovered a new plant species in the Amazon rainforest. There are fossils of extinct ancestors of horseshoe crabs, and the species. [ This is a heterotrophic species. Rating. Weegy: R-selected species often experience exponential growth in population,giving a J-SHAPED curve on a graph. New answers. User: Which statement about a novel's setting is correct?Weegy: It can be as important to a story as a character. A scientist has discovered a new plant species in the Amazon rainforest. Weegy: Because web pages are often updated, it's important to include Date accessed in a citation. What statement would they most likely make about the new species?. d. imprints of organisms known to have lived during a specific time period. She tells her fellow scientists that the plant she has found produces a cone. C. 1. Added 7/10/2014 12:40:48 PM. Which trait would the fossil most likely have? a foramen magnum at the back of the skull a curve in the lumbar region of the spine a femur angled outward an opposable. One of the key features found is that the species is. Which statement accurately describes this process?, How would a biologist classify the plant stem shown?, Most animals and plants reproduce sexually. Frank Glaw, Jörn Köhler, Oliver Hawlitschek, Fanomezana M. Weegy: Citizens have to register to vote ,To make sure people vote only once. Species can vary in several ways. She tells her fellow scientists that the plant she has found produces a cone. A scientist has discovered a new plant species in the Amazon rainforest. b. Cells of living organisms can only create other living organisms such as an animal can only create another animal of the same species. Researchers have found seven new animal species living along the Southwest Indian Ridge, 3,000 metres beneath the surface of the ocean, in an area targeted for deep-sea mining. It is most likely belong to. Two scientists are debating how to classify a new animal species that they have discovered. FALSE. 9594Scientific theories are explanations for scientific phenomena that can be changed when and if new information is found to support or refute the explanation. Scientists hypothesize that the species traveled long distances without putting their hands down on the ground, and used tools. the U. She tells her fellow scientists that the plant she has found produces a cone. 8. the Endangered Species list needed to be updated.